One of these was organized in Girona by Òmnium Cultural Gironès and it was called "A tota veu" (In full voice). Its goal was to display the linguistic richness existing nowadays in Catalonia and to promote the learning of Catalan language as a tool for social cohesion. Sinalunya took part in the reading by choosing two ancient Chinese poems and by reading their original version and the translation into Catalan.
The chosen poems were 花非花 ("It's like a flower but not a flower") by 白居易 (Bai Juyi, 772–846) and 劝酒 ("Urging you to drink") by 于武陵 (Yu Wuling). We used the translations into Catalan by professor Manel Ollé, from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, in his book, “Pedra i pinzell” (Stone and brush), with a few changes of our own.
Chinese originals
花非花 (白居易)
劝酒 (于武陵)
Catalan translation
Flor que no és flor (Bai Juyi)
Flor que no és flor
Boira que no és boira
Ve a mitjanit i se'n va amb l'alba
Arriba com un somni de primavera, però què dura?
Marxa com un núvol matiner que es fon sense rastre
Si us plau, beu! (Yu Wuling)
No refusis que el meu licor
Ompli el teu calze
Igual que les flors aguanten grans pluges i vents
Cap vida és del tot viscuda sense un comiat
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