Showing posts with label Jiajia Wang Liu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jiajia Wang Liu. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Chinese Catalans, portrait of an emerging and entrepreneurial minority

From (in Catalan)

[caption id="attachment_1316" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Cover of Presència 12 February 2012"][/caption]

Catalan weekly magazine Presència has devoted the main report of its last edition to the Chinese community living in Catalonia. The title of the report is "Chinese Catalans, portrait of an emerging and entrepreneurial minority" and it explains what is the situation of the growing Chinese population in Catalonia. Chinese immigrants are the fifth most numerous minority (around 50,000 inhabitants), after the Moroccans, Romanians, Ecuadorians and Bolivians, and they mostly live in the Barcelona metropolitan area. Out of those 50,000 inhabitants, some 8,000 are entrepreneurs, the highest percentage among any other group, including the natives.  The report also includes interviews with Jia Jia Wang, owner of Jia Jia Ediciones, a publishing company she created in order to help teach Chinese language to local children. Other interviews are those of Zheng Lingteng and Ma Yinping, teachers of Chinese at the Girona-based language school, Nipponia, and Lam Chuen Ping, president of the Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs of Catalonia. The scans of the report can be seen on the Sinalunya Flickr site.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

El Periódico interviews Chinese-Catalan entepreneur Jiajia Wang Liu

From (in Catalan)

Nearly half a year after the first burst of news about the 20,000 € award given by UPF Emprèn 2010-Fundació Banc Sabadell for her project of a publishing company aimed at producing educational materials for the Chinese children adopted by Catalan families, Chinese-Catalan young entepreneur Jiajia Wang Liu appeared again in the Catalan press. El Periódico published an interview with her on Sunday May 8th, 2011, where she again explains her own personal story of hard work and struggle until she received a grant to study at the prestigious Harvard University and later she received the funding for her personal project. Nowadays, publishing company Jiajia Edicions has already become a reality and is already selling the first book through internet and directly to schools. Jiajia Wang Liu finishes the interview by explaining how the influence of Chinese culture is still a big influence on her daily life through her family, in issues such as the personal relationships. Despite the fact that she is sensitive to family claims, she acknowledges that she does not fancy living a life planned by others.

[caption id="attachment_567" align="aligncenter" width="228" caption="Jiajia Edicions"]Jiajia Edicions[/caption]