Showing posts with label negocis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label negocis. Show all posts

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Editada la "Guía de Supervivencia en China" per al viatger de negocis

De (en Castellano)

Captio, amb la col·laboració de Baidewei, han editat una eina que pot resultar molt útil per als cada vegada més freqüents viatgers de negocis disposats a conquerir els mercats de Xina. Es tracta de la “Guía de Supervivencia en China para el viajero de negocios“, en la qual en 26 pàgines es resumeixen els costums, el protocol i la cultura d'empresa a la Xina, per tal que qui hi viatgi per primera vegada no comenci des de zero. La guia està disponible en format pdf y per a obtenir-la tan sols cal visitar l'enllaç anterior.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Barcelona nominated fifth best european city for business

From (in Spanish)

The city of Barcelona is doing efforts to counteract the economic crisis and is improving the scores on business opportunities, on foreign investment projects and on export perspectives. According to a study released by the Observatori de Barcelona, where 28 indicators related to six different areas (business, knowledge, tourism, sustainability and quality of life, prices and costs, and work market and formation) were analyzed, Barcelona is currently the fifth best european city for business, right after London, Paris, Frankfurt and Brussels. The results of this study were presented by the first deputy mayor of the city of Barcelona, Jordi William Carnes, and by the president of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Miquel Valls. Other results from the same study placed Barcelona in high positions in other rankings, such as #6 in foreign investment projects, #4 in export perspectives, #2 in organization of international meetings (data from 2009), #18 in scientific production, #10 in number of airport passengers and #49 in cost of life.