Showing posts with label World Wind Energy Association. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Wind Energy Association. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

China new world's leader on wind energy production

From (in Catalan)

According to a recent report released by the World Wind Energy Association, in 2010 China surpassed United States as the world's leading country on the production of wind energy with a cumulative installed capacity of 44,733 MW of the former in front of the 40,180 MW of the latter. The third position is for Germany, with 27,215 MW, followed by Spain and India. The list includes other 83 countries (one more than in 2009, Cyprus), but nearly 75% of the overall production happens in the first five countries in the list. Catalonia has recently increased the cumulative installed capacity over 1,000 MW produced in 38 wind farms.

This report was presented at the International Wind Energy Exhibition and Conference CWEE2011 held in Shanghai (China) and it can be downloaded in different languages:

Another downloadable item from the World Wind Energy Association website is the Interactive World Wind Energy Map.