From (in Catalan)
The business meeting China - Catalonia that will take place on April 8th, 2014, is being organized in order to to strengthen the international relationship and the trade between them. This meeting will also be an excellent opportunity to highlight the importance of the internationalization of Catalan companies and also of the recent Chinese investments in Catalonia.
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Blog on the economic, social and cultural relationships on Chinese cultural countries and Catalunya
Showing posts with label Trade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trade. Show all posts
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Business meeting China - Catalonia in Barcelona to promote investments
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Barcelona citizen rescues HTC CEO from traffic jam and takes him to the MWC
From (in Spanish)
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="317"]
Obdulio Herrera, the man that saved HTC's CEO Peter Chou from a traffic jam in Barcelona during the MWC 2014 (image from HTC's Spanish website)[/caption]
During the recent Mobile World Congress 2014 held in Barcelona, Peter Chou (周永明), CEO of HTC, was travelling in a taxi when he found himself in the middle of a severe traffic jam. Sensing that he would not make it to the Mobile World Congress on time, he paid the taxi driver and asked him to find a motorcycle rider that could take him to the convention centre. So he stopped one, who gently offered himself to take him there and he even let Peter Chou to use his daughter's helmet. Upon arrival to the MWC site -on time!-, the anonymous motorcycle rider refused to receive any kind of compensation from the HTC leader. After the event, Peter Chou started the quest to find and identify the man using the company's blog and social media. Soon, the local media also started to spread the news and finally the man was identified: it was 53-year old Obdulio Herrera, who was surprised by all the fuss made around his act. As a reward, Obdulio Herrera has been invited by HTC to its most important event of the year, the presentation of the new HTC smartphone, that will take place in London on March 25th, 2014.
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="317"]

During the recent Mobile World Congress 2014 held in Barcelona, Peter Chou (周永明), CEO of HTC, was travelling in a taxi when he found himself in the middle of a severe traffic jam. Sensing that he would not make it to the Mobile World Congress on time, he paid the taxi driver and asked him to find a motorcycle rider that could take him to the convention centre. So he stopped one, who gently offered himself to take him there and he even let Peter Chou to use his daughter's helmet. Upon arrival to the MWC site -on time!-, the anonymous motorcycle rider refused to receive any kind of compensation from the HTC leader. After the event, Peter Chou started the quest to find and identify the man using the company's blog and social media. Soon, the local media also started to spread the news and finally the man was identified: it was 53-year old Obdulio Herrera, who was surprised by all the fuss made around his act. As a reward, Obdulio Herrera has been invited by HTC to its most important event of the year, the presentation of the new HTC smartphone, that will take place in London on March 25th, 2014.
Mobile World Congress,
Obdulio Herrera,
Peter Chou,
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Editada la "Guía de Supervivencia en China" per al viatger de negocis
De (en Castellano)
Captio, amb la col·lab
oració de Baidewei, han editat una eina que pot resultar molt útil per als cada vegada més freqüents viatgers de negocis disposats a conquerir els mercats de Xina. Es tracta de la “Guía de Supervivencia en China para el viajero de negocios“, en la qual en 26 pàgines es resumeixen els costums, el protocol i la cultura d'empresa a la Xina, per tal que qui hi viatgi per primera vegada no comenci des de zero. La guia està disponible en format pdf y per a obtenir-la tan sols cal visitar l'enllaç anterior.
Captio, amb la col·lab

Editada la Guía de Supervivencia en China para el viajero de negocios
De (en Castellano)
Captio, con la colab
oración de Baidewei, han editado una herramienta que puede resultar muy útil para los cada vez más frecuentes viajeros de negocios cuyo mercado a conquistar es China. Se trata de la "Guía de Supervivencia en China para el viajero de negocios", en la cual se resumen en 26 páginas las costumbres, el protocolo y la cultura de empresa en China, para que quien viaje por primera vez no empiece desde cero. La guía está disponible en formato pdf y para obtenerla tan sólo hay que visitar el enlace anterior.
Captio, con la colab

Thursday, September 12, 2013
Catalan electric material producer Simon reaches over 2,200 shops in China
From (in Catalan)
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="273"]
Image from Simon's website[/caption]
After reaching over 2,200 shops in China under the name of Simhome, the Asian giant is going to become Simon's main market in terms of total sales. According to Simon's CEO Xavier Torra, 780 of these shops have a surface of around 100 m2, whereas the other 1,500 shops have an average surface of around 20 m2, where Simon products are sold exclusively. Simon is selling in China since 1999, when an agreement with a local partner was made, that was followed by a joint venture in 2002 and has been able to supply equipment for the facilities of the Olympic Games in Beijing. According to Xavier Torra, "in 2 or 3 years China is expected to become our first market. Today it already represents around 20% of our total sales". Simon's total sales in 2012 reached 250 million €.
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="273"]

After reaching over 2,200 shops in China under the name of Simhome, the Asian giant is going to become Simon's main market in terms of total sales. According to Simon's CEO Xavier Torra, 780 of these shops have a surface of around 100 m2, whereas the other 1,500 shops have an average surface of around 20 m2, where Simon products are sold exclusively. Simon is selling in China since 1999, when an agreement with a local partner was made, that was followed by a joint venture in 2002 and has been able to supply equipment for the facilities of the Olympic Games in Beijing. According to Xavier Torra, "in 2 or 3 years China is expected to become our first market. Today it already represents around 20% of our total sales". Simon's total sales in 2012 reached 250 million €.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Catalan commercial mission to the Lighting Fair in Guangzhou, China
From (in Catalan)
The Lighting Fair Guangzhou 2013 (广州国际照明展览会) concentrates the greatest amount of exhibitors of this kind in China. CICAT, the Catalan Lighting Cluster, is organizing a commercial mission to this event for Catalan companies between June 7th and 15th, 2013. For further information, please contact Mr. Josep M. Vidal-Ribas by phone (+34 661 577 476) or email.
The Lighting Fair Guangzhou 2013 (广州国际照明展览会) concentrates the greatest amount of exhibitors of this kind in China. CICAT, the Catalan Lighting Cluster, is organizing a commercial mission to this event for Catalan companies between June 7th and 15th, 2013. For further information, please contact Mr. Josep M. Vidal-Ribas by phone (+34 661 577 476) or email.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Session on how to sell in China through Taobao
From (in Catalan)
On June 12th, 2013 from 8:30 am to 10:30 am, CECOT is organizing a 2-hour informative session in their headquarters in Terrassa (Barcelona province) on how to sell in China through Taobao (淘宝网), a Chinese web site for on-line shopping that belongs to the Alibaba Group (阿里巴巴集团). Taobao provides a platform for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs to open on-line retail stores that mainly cater to consumers in China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. The session will be conducted by Josep Ramon Obis, fashion expert that has been managing a shop in Taobao for the last two years.

On June 12th, 2013 from 8:30 am to 10:30 am, CECOT is organizing a 2-hour informative session in their headquarters in Terrassa (Barcelona province) on how to sell in China through Taobao (淘宝网), a Chinese web site for on-line shopping that belongs to the Alibaba Group (阿里巴巴集团). Taobao provides a platform for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs to open on-line retail stores that mainly cater to consumers in China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. The session will be conducted by Josep Ramon Obis, fashion expert that has been managing a shop in Taobao for the last two years.
Alibaba Group,
Barcelona province,
Josep Ramon Obis,
Provincia de Barcelona,
Monday, April 8, 2013
Published booklet about the Chinese shop owners in Barcelona
From (in Catalan)
PIMEC, the association grouping the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and also the self-employed workers of Catalonia, has launched a project for the city of Barcelona called "Nosaltres també fem ciutat" ("We also contribute to the city") that has the goal of improving the integration of the foreign shop owners into the city's commercial network. One of the documents that has recently been released is the booklet "Els comerciants xinesos de Barcelona" ("Barcelona's Chinese shop owners"), which emphasizes their entrepreneurial capacity and their hard-working attitude. The document can be downloaded as a pd file from the link or read it down here in its embedded form.
PIMEC, the association grouping the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and also the self-employed workers of Catalonia, has launched a project for the city of Barcelona called "Nosaltres també fem ciutat" ("We also contribute to the city") that has the goal of improving the integration of the foreign shop owners into the city's commercial network. One of the documents that has recently been released is the booklet "Els comerciants xinesos de Barcelona" ("Barcelona's Chinese shop owners"), which emphasizes their entrepreneurial capacity and their hard-working attitude. The document can be downloaded as a pd file from the link or read it down here in its embedded form.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Tous expects to return to China and outnumber 450 stores by 2013
From (in English)
Rosa Tous announced that the return of Catalan jewellery Tous to China could take place this year. Three years ago, the company closed all stores in China had after breaking the contract with their local partner. Since then, the Manresa-based company has been looking for another group to return to the Asian giant. “We must be very careful in choosing our partner, but when we find it, we will come into the market in China with force,” she said. Tous jewellery chain is accelerating its international expansion and plans to open 40 stores in 2013, compared to the 30 jewellery stores it opened last year. The director of corporate relations for the company said yesterday that the openings will focus on markets where the chain already has a presence, with the aim of consolidating the brand.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480"]
Tous jewellery shop in L'Illa shopping mall in Barcelona (image from Tous Wikipedia entry)[/caption]
Rosa Tous announced that the return of Catalan jewellery Tous to China could take place this year. Three years ago, the company closed all stores in China had after breaking the contract with their local partner. Since then, the Manresa-based company has been looking for another group to return to the Asian giant. “We must be very careful in choosing our partner, but when we find it, we will come into the market in China with force,” she said. Tous jewellery chain is accelerating its international expansion and plans to open 40 stores in 2013, compared to the 30 jewellery stores it opened last year. The director of corporate relations for the company said yesterday that the openings will focus on markets where the chain already has a presence, with the aim of consolidating the brand.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480"]

Industrias Químicas del Vallés to open subsidiaries in China and the United States
From (in English)
Catalan company Industrias Químicas del Vallés (IQV) announced the launch of two new subsidiaries in Valdosta, Georgia (United States) and Beijing (China) to augment its organizational structure abroad and continue increasing exports. These new subsidiaries will strengthen its presence in two of the world's main markets for phytosanitary products, doubling exports to those countries and reinforcing the company's commitment to international expansion. Based in Mollet del Vallès (Barcelona province), Industrias Químicas del Vallés already exports more than 50% of its production. Industrias Químicas del Vallés is investing in the United States and China in order to obtain the necessary authorization to market other products from its catalogue. These new openings are in addition to the subsidiaries the company already has in Spain, Italy and Portugal; local partnerships in Greece; and the 55 countries where Industrias Químicas del Vallés markets its products.
Catalan company Industrias Químicas del Vallés (IQV) announced the launch of two new subsidiaries in Valdosta, Georgia (United States) and Beijing (China) to augment its organizational structure abroad and continue increasing exports. These new subsidiaries will strengthen its presence in two of the world's main markets for phytosanitary products, doubling exports to those countries and reinforcing the company's commitment to international expansion. Based in Mollet del Vallès (Barcelona province), Industrias Químicas del Vallés already exports more than 50% of its production. Industrias Químicas del Vallés is investing in the United States and China in order to obtain the necessary authorization to market other products from its catalogue. These new openings are in addition to the subsidiaries the company already has in Spain, Italy and Portugal; local partnerships in Greece; and the 55 countries where Industrias Químicas del Vallés markets its products.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Catalan meat processing industry Càrniques Juià aims at Chinese market
From (in Catalan)
Càrniques Juià is a 27-year old company processing pork meat based in the town of Juià (Girona province), located some 50km from the French border and some 100km from important maritime shipping docks. Their total sales reached 500 million € in 2012 and they export 80% of the 11,000 pigs they annually process. Despite already selling their meat products to Eastern Asian markets such as Southern Korea and Japan, Càrniques Juià has invested 16.5 million € to enlarge their facilities and increase their exports to China, Australia and New Zealand.
Càrniques Juià is a 27-year old company processing pork meat based in the town of Juià (Girona province), located some 50km from the French border and some 100km from important maritime shipping docks. Their total sales reached 500 million € in 2012 and they export 80% of the 11,000 pigs they annually process. Despite already selling their meat products to Eastern Asian markets such as Southern Korea and Japan, Càrniques Juià has invested 16.5 million € to enlarge their facilities and increase their exports to China, Australia and New Zealand.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Desigual opens two new shops in Malaysia
Frm,6558,5518394_5519005_6366453_4644994,00.html (in Spanish)
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="450"]
Image from the Desigual blog[/caption]
Catalan clothing company Desigual has just opened two concept stores in the international airport of Kuala Lumpur, in Malaysia. As usual, Desigual shops offer colorful clothes and accessories and with innovative designs of graffiti and patchwork. Every season Desigual presents a collaboration around a specific concept and this year it is the turn of the Cirque du Soleil and the French designer Christian Lacroix. With these new shops, Desigual products are already available in more than 80 countries.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="450"]

Thursday, December 27, 2012
Ficosa reorganizes its activity in China after deal with Canadian company
From (in Spanish) and (in English)
SMTC Corporation, a Canadian global electronics manufacturing services provider, and Ficosa International S.A., a global leader in automotive systems and parts, have signed a strategic manufacturing agreement. Founded in 1949, Ficosa has its headquarters in Barcelona and has an operating presence in 19 other countries across the globe. Under this agreement, Ficosa will transition the manufacturing of selected programs to SMTC's Suzhou plant in China, including production engineering, system integration and logistic services, among others. The Catalan company will benefit from SMTC experience in the control services of the supply chain, whereas SMTC is expected to grow as provider of automotive industry.
SMTC Corporation, a Canadian global electronics manufacturing services provider, and Ficosa International S.A., a global leader in automotive systems and parts, have signed a strategic manufacturing agreement. Founded in 1949, Ficosa has its headquarters in Barcelona and has an operating presence in 19 other countries across the globe. Under this agreement, Ficosa will transition the manufacturing of selected programs to SMTC's Suzhou plant in China, including production engineering, system integration and logistic services, among others. The Catalan company will benefit from SMTC experience in the control services of the supply chain, whereas SMTC is expected to grow as provider of automotive industry.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Catalan exports increase by 7.4% in the first semester of 2012
From (in English)
Foreign exports by Catalan companies reached €5.13 billion in June, a 6.6% increase compared to June 2011. This figure adds to those of the previous 5 months to reach a total of €29.14 billion, a 7.4% increase compared to the first semester of 2011. The main exporting sectors in Catalonia in June 2012 were chemical manufacturing with €1.32 billion (a 5.3% increase over June 2011), consumer goods with €940 million (a 7.7% increase over June 2011) and the automotive sector with about €880 million. The latter has seen the biggest change in June with an increase of 22.3% over June 2011. For Spain, the increase in June was of 5.1%, with a turnover of €19 billion this June. Catalonia contributed €5.13 billion to the Spanish total, representing 27% of the overall amount.
Foreign exports by Catalan companies reached €5.13 billion in June, a 6.6% increase compared to June 2011. This figure adds to those of the previous 5 months to reach a total of €29.14 billion, a 7.4% increase compared to the first semester of 2011. The main exporting sectors in Catalonia in June 2012 were chemical manufacturing with €1.32 billion (a 5.3% increase over June 2011), consumer goods with €940 million (a 7.7% increase over June 2011) and the automotive sector with about €880 million. The latter has seen the biggest change in June with an increase of 22.3% over June 2011. For Spain, the increase in June was of 5.1%, with a turnover of €19 billion this June. Catalonia contributed €5.13 billion to the Spanish total, representing 27% of the overall amount.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Catalan company Beter introduces beauty products in China - 加泰罗尼亚的 公司-Beter-进军中国大陆
From,6558,5518394_5519005_6366453_4545083,00.html (in Spanish)
2012 is expected to be a key year for Beter, the Catalan company leading the Spanish market of beauty and personal care complementary products, after their announcement of entering in the Brazilian and Chinese markets. Created in 1936, Beter designs and distributes nearly 1,000 products in specialized beauty and health care shops and pharmacies. Total sales in 2010 reached 18 million euro, an amount that is expected to grow in the next years, after their increasing projection abroad.
2012 is expected to be a key year for Beter, the Catalan company leading the Spanish market of beauty and personal care complementary products, after their announcement of entering in the Brazilian and Chinese markets. Created in 1936, Beter designs and distributes nearly 1,000 products in specialized beauty and health care shops and pharmacies. Total sales in 2010 reached 18 million euro, an amount that is expected to grow in the next years, after their increasing projection abroad.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Sabadell Chamber of Commerce and Industry organizes commercial mission to China
From (in Catalan)
The Sabadell Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organizing a commercial mission to China for April 15-21, 2012, specially addressed to companies of the following sectors: automotive, construction materials, engineering, electrical, plastics, chemical and consumer products. This mission has the support of the ACC1Ó office in Shanghai. The goals of this mission are: i) to promote Catalan companies in China; ii) to support the internationalization of Catalan companies; iii) to promote strategic alliances with Chinese partners; and iv) to evaluate potential investments in situ. Further information (in Catalan) can be obtained by downloading a pdf document from ACC1Ó website.
The Sabadell Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organizing a commercial mission to China for April 15-21, 2012, specially addressed to companies of the following sectors: automotive, construction materials, engineering, electrical, plastics, chemical and consumer products. This mission has the support of the ACC1Ó office in Shanghai. The goals of this mission are: i) to promote Catalan companies in China; ii) to support the internationalization of Catalan companies; iii) to promote strategic alliances with Chinese partners; and iv) to evaluate potential investments in situ. Further information (in Catalan) can be obtained by downloading a pdf document from ACC1Ó website.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Summary of economic news about Catalonia
In the last few days several news about the evolution of economy in Catalonia have been released. Here's a summary of the most interesting ones and the links where to read them more in detail, plus a small summary of the piece of news written in Catalan.
* Catalan economy grew by 0.7% from June 2010 to June 2011 - (in English)
* The worst September in 15 years for unemployment in Catalonia - (in English)
* Annual inflation in Catalonia measured at 3.2% at the end of September - (in English)
* House sales in Catalonia fell by 34% during August and in comparison with the previous years - (in English)
* Catalan exports increased by 14% in July - (in Catalan)
Catalan exports have increased by 19th consecutive month in July 2011 and they have amounted 5 billion euro, 27% of total Spanish exports. According to the press release, exports to the Euro zone have increased by 10.40%, whereas those to the rest of the world have increased by 18.16%. Exports to Asia have grown by 9.73%.
* Catalan economy grew by 0.7% from June 2010 to June 2011 - (in English)
* The worst September in 15 years for unemployment in Catalonia - (in English)
* Annual inflation in Catalonia measured at 3.2% at the end of September - (in English)
* House sales in Catalonia fell by 34% during August and in comparison with the previous years - (in English)
* Catalan exports increased by 14% in July - (in Catalan)
Catalan exports have increased by 19th consecutive month in July 2011 and they have amounted 5 billion euro, 27% of total Spanish exports. According to the press release, exports to the Euro zone have increased by 10.40%, whereas those to the rest of the world have increased by 18.16%. Exports to Asia have grown by 9.73%.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Catalan mission to the Hong Kong International Lighting Fair
From (in Catalan)
For companies interested on the East Asian lighting markets, CICAT (Lighting Cluster of Catalonia) is organizing a mission to the Hong Kong International Lighting Fair, the most important fair of this kind in Asia that will take place between 27-30 October 2011. The goals of the mission are: i) to promote the Catalan lighting sector as a separate brand; ii) to establish commercial links between the attending companies and open new markets in Asian countries; and iii) to find potential suppliers in the area.
For companies interested on the East Asian lighting markets, CICAT (Lighting Cluster of Catalonia) is organizing a mission to the Hong Kong International Lighting Fair, the most important fair of this kind in Asia that will take place between 27-30 October 2011. The goals of the mission are: i) to promote the Catalan lighting sector as a separate brand; ii) to establish commercial links between the attending companies and open new markets in Asian countries; and iii) to find potential suppliers in the area.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Agreement for the commercialization of pharmaceutical products in Taiwan
From (in English)
Hong Kong based company LUQA and Catalan company Laboratorios SALVAT, S.A. have reached an agreement for the commercialization of pharmaceutical product Cetraxal Plus in Taiwan. LUQA is a specialty company devoted to the commercialization of pharmaceutical products in the East Asia emerging markets, whereas Laboratorios SALVAT, S.A. is a renowned company that has been commercializing their products, like Cetraxal Plus, for more than 20 years on international markets.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="331" caption="Cetraxal Plus (Image from LUQA website)"]
Hong Kong based company LUQA and Catalan company Laboratorios SALVAT, S.A. have reached an agreement for the commercialization of pharmaceutical product Cetraxal Plus in Taiwan. LUQA is a specialty company devoted to the commercialization of pharmaceutical products in the East Asia emerging markets, whereas Laboratorios SALVAT, S.A. is a renowned company that has been commercializing their products, like Cetraxal Plus, for more than 20 years on international markets.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="331" caption="Cetraxal Plus (Image from LUQA website)"]

Hong Kong,
Laboratorios SALVAT S.A.,
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Taiwan's exports increased in July 2011
From (in English)
The Department of Statistics of the Republic of China (Taiwan) government has released information about the evolution of exports in July 2011, which has had an increase of 17.6% compared to July 2010 and has amounted US$28.12 billion. Imports reached US$24.77 billion, an increase of 14.0% compared with the same period last year, resulting in a Taiwan's trade surplus of US$3.3 billion.
The Department of Statistics of the Republic of China (Taiwan) government has released information about the evolution of exports in July 2011, which has had an increase of 17.6% compared to July 2010 and has amounted US$28.12 billion. Imports reached US$24.77 billion, an increase of 14.0% compared with the same period last year, resulting in a Taiwan's trade surplus of US$3.3 billion.
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