The Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB), a Barcelona-based think-tank about international relationships, is organizing a dialogue between experts Manel Ollé, Seán Golden and the invited professor Zheng Yangwen about China's sea frontier and its importance to shape present day commerce and history. This event is organized by InterAsia Research Group (Autonomous University of Barcelona), Entremons Magazine (Pompeu Fabra University), Autonomous University of Barcelona and CIDOB, and will take place at 5:30 pm at the Sala Maragall of the CIDOB headquarters, Elisabets street 12, Barcelona.
Zheng Yangwen was born and raised in China. She received education from the Oberlin College (B.A 1995) and the University of Cambridge (King’s College, M.Phil 1997 and Ph.D 2001). Later she worked for the University of Pennsylvania (2002-04) and the National University of Singapore (2004-06) before joining the University of Manchester in 2007. Trained as a Qing dynasty (1644-1911) historian with a focus on China's maritime trade, she was fascinated with the foreign goods/things that went into China and the ways in which they became Chinese or indigenised. She is author of several books, including China On the Sea: How the Maritime World Shaped Modern China and The Social Life of Opium in China. She is also editor of several books on Asian affairs, and has also written many journal articles and book chapters. She is also an Editorial Board Member of the journal Modern Asian Studies and an Executive Board Member of Universities' China Committee London (UCCL).
To register for the event, please visit the following link at the CIDOB website -
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