Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Seminar in Hong Kong as gate for Spanish food products

From http://www.casaasia.eu/actividad/detalle?id=207272 (in English)

On June 21st, 2012, Casa Àsia in Barcelona is organizing a free business seminar entitled "Hong Kong: Commercial Platform of the Sector of the Spanish Food and Agriculture and Wine Sector in China". Hong Kong is considered the gate for food and agricultural products in China, thanks to the HKTDC Food Expo and the HKTDC Wine & Spirits Fair, that bring to the former British colony more than 400.000 visitors per year from all over the world. Through Hong Kong, food companies are trying to access the affluent new Chinese middle class, which already amounts 300 million people, and the goal of this seminar is to highlight the advantages offered by the city.


10.15am Registration and welcome of attendants

10.30am Opening speech by Amadeu Jensana, Director of Economy and Business of Casa Àsia.

10.40am Conference: "Hong Kong: Commercial Platform of the Sector of the Spanish Food and Agriculture and Wine Sector in China" by Virginia Seoane, Director of Marketing of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

11.00am Conference: "How to access the Chinese market through Hong Kong? Analysis of the food and agriculture and wine sector", by Alfonso Ballesteros, General Director of Tradewinds.

11.20am Experience of a company in the market of Hong Kong.

11.40am Discussion.

12.00am End of the session.

The event is jointly organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Casa Àsia and will take place in the headquarters of the latter, at Diagonal Avenue, 373, in Barcelona. for further information, please contact casaasia@casaasia.es.

You can download a brochure of the event as a pdf file from Casa Àsia website.


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Introduction to Chinese calligraphy, a summer course in Barcelona

From http://www.casaasia.eu/actividad/detalle?id=206577 (in English)

The headquarters of Casa Àsia in Barcelona, located at 373 of Diagonal Avenue will host this next summer a an introductory course to Chinese calligraphy by Hsiao Lin Liu. The course is addressed to people interested in learning, practicing and experimenting this ancient art, also connected to philosophy. The course will take place between July 3rd and 26th, 2012, on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 5 and 7 pm and its fee is 290 euros.

Additional Information

RegistrationFrom Mondays to Fridays, from 10am to 2pm and from 4 pm to 8 pm.

Required information: Name of the course, complete name and address of the student, and contact phone and e-mail.

After registration and receiving confirmation, course fee must be transfered to  bank account number 0081 0556 76 0001063309, indicating the code of the course and the name of the student. Finally, send a copy of the receipt of the transfer or payment to Casa Àsia, at the e-mail address educacion@casaasia.es.

For further information, please write educacion@casaasia.es or call to (+34) 93 368 0836.

Brochure to download as pdf file.

[caption id="attachment_1509" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Chinese calligraphy"][/caption]

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Catalan company Grifols enhances presence in Chinese market

From http://www.catalannewsagency.com/news/business/grifols-strengthens-its-presence-chinese-market (in English)

Catalan pharmaceutical company Grifols has recently improved its presence in the Chinese market, after reaching a cooperation agreement with the Shanghai Blood Bank. This agreement will help the expansion of the company in Asia, after a successful 2011 in which Grifols’ sales in China grew by 30% due to the sale of one of the company’s plasma products, albumin, and by the good results of the Transfusion Medicine business. Last year Grifols also promoted its Diagnostic Division, specialized in in-vitro diagnostics, reaching 8.9% of the sales.

The goal of the agreement with the Shanghai Blood Bank is to promote blood genotyping research in China and it is the first project of this kind in the country. Under the agreement, the Shanghai Blood Bank will use the BLOODchip genetic test from Grifols, an innovative molecular biology test, in blood transfusion compatibility studies. The Shanghai Blood Bank is one of China’s leading blood transfusion centres, serving over 20 million people and receiving more than 300,000 donations per year.

Grifols is a pioneering Catalan company created in 1940 that set the base to open the first private blood bank in Spain in 1945, the so-called "Hemobanco"’. Today Grifols's activity allows the company to market and distribute products in more than 90 countries, whereas its subsidiaries operate directly in 24 countries such as the United States, Spain, Australia, China, Switzerland, Canada or Brazil. Grifols employs 11.470 people and in June 2011 its capital share rose to €114.91 million.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Catalan man honored in China after baby rescue

From http://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/20120519/54295500296/catalan-buen-samaritano-salvar-nino-china.html (in Spanish) and http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2012-05/19/content_15335867.htm (in English)

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="270" caption="Josep Solà-Niubo and Tang Shanlu with the boy they saved and his mother in Changshu, Jiangsu province (Image from China Daily website)"]Josep Solà-Niubo and Tang Shanlu with the boy they saved and his mother in Changshu, Jiangsu province (Image from China Daily website)[/caption]

Catalan Josep Solà-Niubó has been honored in Changshu (常熟), a city in East China‘s Jiangsu (江苏) province, after saving the life of a 2-year-old boy. He and another man, a young Chinese named Tang Shanlu, heard the mother's boy scream and saw the baby floating face down in a pond. Tang Shanlu rescued the baby from the pond and Josep Solà-Niubó, who knows how to perform first aid, immediately began giving the boy cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Because of this fact, Josep Solà-Niubó has been deemed "good Samaritan" in Changshu and  has also been awarded 2,000 yuan ($316) by the Changshu Foundation for Justice and Courage. According to Shen Jingxue, director of the Changshu Foundation for Justice and Courage, Josep Solà-Niubó is the first foreigner to receive this distinction since 1994, when they started to award people in Changshu who made great efforts or had extraordinary achievements to help others.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Dragon Boat Festival in Banyoles Lake

From http://dragon_boat.sportsandelements.com/2_0/?lang=en (in English) and http://www.casaasia.eu/actividad/detalle?id=206274 (in English)

Banyoles Lake, where the rowing competition of Barcelona '92 Olympic Games took place, hosted the first Dragon Boat Festival (龍船節) of its own kind on May 19th, 2012. The event has been organized by Club Natació Banyoles and Agenda Sports & Elements, in collaboration with the Banyoles City Council and Casa Asia.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="357" caption="Banyoles Dragon Boat Festival (image from Sports & Elements website)"]Banyoles Dragon Boat Festival[/caption]


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Girona and Taipei tied up together by flower festivals

From http://www.diaridegirona.cat/tema-dia/2012/05/13/girona-taipei-units-flors/561904.html (in Catalan)

[caption id="attachment_1470" align="alignleft" width="188"] Temps de Flors Girona 2012[/caption]

Javier Ching-shan Hou, the representative of the Office for the Economic and Cultural Promotion of Taipei in Spain, has visited the 57th edition of the Girona Flower Festival (Temps de Flors) invited by Jordi Xuclà, member of Spanish Parlament elected by the Girona province citizens. The capital city of Taiwan, Taipei, organized in 2010 the Taipei International Flora Exposition, the first internationally recognized exposition to take place in Taiwan, and the seventh of its kind to take place in Asia. Javier Ching-shan Hou also held a meeting with representatives of local companies willing to export to Taiwan, and was also interested in promoting that young Taiwanese chefs could come to Girona to improve the skills in its excellence cooking environment.

[caption id="attachment_1471" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Girona cathedral at the Temps de Flors 2012 (Image by courtesy of Flora Genoher) Girona cathedral at the Temps de Flors 2012 (Image by courtesy of Flora Genoher)[/caption]

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Chinese ministerial delegation visits representatives of Spanish government

From http://www.iagua.es/noticias/china/12/05/08/el-agua-tema-estrella-en-la-reunion-del-magrama-con-una-delegacion-ministerial-china-16779 (in Spanish)

Spanish Environmental Secretary of State, Federico Ramos, has held a meeting with a Chinese ministerial delegation, whose members have highlighted the chances that their country offers for the Spanish environmental companies.

General directors of Water, Juan Urbano, and of Environmental Evaluation and Quality and Natural Resources, Guillermina Yanguas, have also attended the meeting, in which the Chinese vice-minister of Environmental Protection, Zhang Lijun, has mentioned that Spanish companies are pioneers in environmental international projects and has offered his collaboration to promote their investments in China.

He has also mentioned the opportunities that China is providing to reactivate European economies, including the Spanish one, and has reminded that environmental sustainability will be a key issue in this process.

Ministerial delegations of both countries have shown their interest to advance on issues such as the protection and use of water resources, drought and flooding management and the supply of water of adequate quality. Moreover, the representatives of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment have explained the Spanish experience on efficient waste management and on techniques for the evaluation of environmental impact.

About the next summit 4th Conference of United Nations on Sustainable Development "Río+ 20" that will be held in June, they have agreed that it represents a unique opportunity to globally promote the "green economy" and to get closer  in matters related to economic growth and to sustainable development. They also mentioned the chance to discuss a deeper collaboration between China and Spain.