Despite the fact that Chinese tourism is relatively recent, during the recent years the awesome economic growth figures have brought the attention of many agents and professionals of the touristic sector, in order to start approaching themselves to this emerging market. Forecasts say that during the next decade one out of two tourists that are supposed to visit Europe will come from Asia, specially from China . When the average expense on their trips abroad is also taken into account (between 1,500 and 3,000€ per person and trip), the reasons why this is a priority market for the future are pretty evident. Because of this, in July 2011, the Spanish Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Miguel Sebastián, publicly announced the "Plan Turismo China", where the strategy of Spanish government to attract Chinese tourists was disclosed. The study on Chinese tourism in Spain has been authored by Daniel Tomás Gaimundiz, who has had the support of the China Outbound Tourism Research Institute (COTRI). The report contains many statistical data on arrivals, distribution and origin of the Chinese touristic flows, as well as on the profile of the average tourist and his/her expenses.
Chinese tourism offers also a great opportunity for Catalonia, since it is their favorite region in Spain to visit. According to estimations, in 2010 47% of the tourists that visited Spain had at least gone through Catalonia, thanks to the attraction of the city of Barcelona and to the vicinity to countries like France and Italy.
The 118-page document written in Spanish can be downloaded as pdf file from the Comunicatur website at
[caption id="attachment_1141" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Chinese tourists visiting the Santa Clotilde Gardens, Lloret de Mar, Costa Brava"]