Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Girona and Taipei tied up together by flower festivals

From http://www.diaridegirona.cat/tema-dia/2012/05/13/girona-taipei-units-flors/561904.html (in Catalan)

[caption id="attachment_1470" align="alignleft" width="188"] Temps de Flors Girona 2012[/caption]

Javier Ching-shan Hou, the representative of the Office for the Economic and Cultural Promotion of Taipei in Spain, has visited the 57th edition of the Girona Flower Festival (Temps de Flors) invited by Jordi Xuclà, member of Spanish Parlament elected by the Girona province citizens. The capital city of Taiwan, Taipei, organized in 2010 the Taipei International Flora Exposition, the first internationally recognized exposition to take place in Taiwan, and the seventh of its kind to take place in Asia. Javier Ching-shan Hou also held a meeting with representatives of local companies willing to export to Taiwan, and was also interested in promoting that young Taiwanese chefs could come to Girona to improve the skills in its excellence cooking environment.

[caption id="attachment_1471" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Girona cathedral at the Temps de Flors 2012 (Image by courtesy of Flora Genoher) Girona cathedral at the Temps de Flors 2012 (Image by courtesy of Flora Genoher)[/caption]

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Chinese ministerial delegation visits representatives of Spanish government

From http://www.iagua.es/noticias/china/12/05/08/el-agua-tema-estrella-en-la-reunion-del-magrama-con-una-delegacion-ministerial-china-16779 (in Spanish)

Spanish Environmental Secretary of State, Federico Ramos, has held a meeting with a Chinese ministerial delegation, whose members have highlighted the chances that their country offers for the Spanish environmental companies.

General directors of Water, Juan Urbano, and of Environmental Evaluation and Quality and Natural Resources, Guillermina Yanguas, have also attended the meeting, in which the Chinese vice-minister of Environmental Protection, Zhang Lijun, has mentioned that Spanish companies are pioneers in environmental international projects and has offered his collaboration to promote their investments in China.

He has also mentioned the opportunities that China is providing to reactivate European economies, including the Spanish one, and has reminded that environmental sustainability will be a key issue in this process.

Ministerial delegations of both countries have shown their interest to advance on issues such as the protection and use of water resources, drought and flooding management and the supply of water of adequate quality. Moreover, the representatives of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment have explained the Spanish experience on efficient waste management and on techniques for the evaluation of environmental impact.

About the next summit 4th Conference of United Nations on Sustainable Development "Río+ 20" that will be held in June, they have agreed that it represents a unique opportunity to globally promote the "green economy" and to get closer  in matters related to economic growth and to sustainable development. They also mentioned the chance to discuss a deeper collaboration between China and Spain.

Sinalunya interviews: Sílvia Fustegueres

[caption id="attachment_1455" align="alignleft" width="210" caption="Sílvia Fustegueres"]Sílvia Fustegueres[/caption]

Sílvia Fustegueres is a translator from Chinese and English to Catalan and Spanish. Hailing from Barcelona, she has a BA in Translation and Interpretation by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). She is Chief Translation Officer at Ampersand Translation, certified translator from Chinese, Spanish and English into Catalan and she also works occasionally for the UAB (East Asia Studies Degree, Chinese-Spanish Master, etc.). She co-translated a novel from Chinese into Catalan, but she claims she discovered she is better at reading literature than translating it. She is becoming increasingly active in social media, where she  runs a blog (xines.blogspot.com), a twitter account (@xines_cat) and a Facebook group called "Caràcter xinès"(www.facebook.com/groups/xines/).

In Catalan society, where Chinese has arguably been considered the most difficult language in the world, it is very rare to find locals with that level of proficiency in such a demanding, exotic language. Given the growing relationship between Chinese and Catalan economies, the increase of the number of Chinese immigrants in Catalonia and also a raising interest in Chinese culture among Catalan people, she and the other few people like her are likely going to play a highly appreciated role in the forthcoming years. We have had the opportunity to ask her a few questions for the readers of our blog and we thank her for taking the time to answer them.

Q: How did you become interested by Chinese language and what prompted you to study it so deeply? What were the comments of your relatives and friends at that time and what are their impressions now, after all your achievements?

R: My interest came unannounced: when I was admitted to university I had to choose a minor language for my studies, and Chinese and Portuguese were the only available languages I chose Chinese because of the beauty of the characters, and a few weeks after classes started I began to love the language and gradually became entangled with both the Chinese language and the Chinese culture. As for my relatives and friends, they were quite shocked because the news was quite unpredictable. They still don't understand how I managed to learn the language.

Q: Do you perceive that there is a growing demand for learning Chinese in Catalonia nowadays? What are the main changes that you have seen for the last 10-15 years?

R: I do believe a growing number of people are interested in learning Chinese. I would say two of the main reasons are jobs requiring Chinese and curiosity for other countries. As far as jobs are concerned, I'd say there is an increasing need to effectively communicate with Chinese counterparts in business relationships. As for the "curiosity", I'd say globalization brings along lots of information on other countries and cultures, and people are curious about it. Furthermore, it is much easier to travel around the world, so people get to see other places and want to be proficient in the language spoken in the places they visit.

Q: The translation of Chinese literature must be something with an added degree of difficulty as compared to a normal Chinese text. What is your impression about Chinese literature after several translations? What can be the main differences as compared to western literature?

R: I must confess I have not translated Chinese literature that much, although my everyday experience as a translator confirms that translation from Chinese language into Spanish or Catalan is much harder than English to Spanish. To put it short, I would say the difficulties exist both in literary texts and non-literary texts. When we translate, we try to convert both the linguistic and cultural system of the source text into those of the target audience, and this difficulty can be found in a long Chinese novel and in technical texts (translating patents regarding parts of a certain type of bus seat, for instance, as I’ve had to do, is no easy task!).

Q: What are people’s impression of the works you have translated? Do you feel they have been able to grasp what they were supposed to find in them?

R: I never had any complaint on the everyday non-literary translations I have done (agreements, birth certificates, technical stuff), and I believe they served their purposes well. As for the literary part, I am happy with the result, and I do believe those people who read the book have been able to grasp most of the hidden meanings and stories, although I am certain we might have missed something: it is not easy to translate XVIII century short novels.

Q: With the growing degree of relationship between Catalan and Chinese economies and with companies moving in both directions, have you perceived any change in the demand for translators? Any ideas about its potential evolution in the future?

R: I would say most of the business is done in English. And the same happens with translating books: they are usually translated from an English or French version. So in so, the need for a Chinese-speaking person is not apparent. Nevertheless, even if the source text or meeting is in English, I would recommend businesses and publishers to use a translator who knows Chinese language and culture: they might be useful when it comes to respecting certain business habits or detecting errors in the text to be translated.

Q: Nowadays many people might be considering learning Chinese and maybe some might not even dare. What advice would you give to them, and what advice would you also tell to the ones that are already studying Chinese, in order to have a real proficiency in this language?

R: If you are planning to study any language, you should be ready to spend some time abroad. Most important, you should be aware that differences are not restricted to linguistics: you must be willing to accept different realities and habits, and try to respect them. When it comes to Chinese, please keep in mind that it is not difficult to learn, it is just that learning is slower. It might take you years to be proficient, but it will be worth your while. Just be patient and learn all your hanzi. :-)

Q: Finally, please let us know a little bit more about yourself by telling us your tastes:

A Catalan book: Les veus del Pamano, by Jaume Cabré

A Catalan writer: Mercè Rodoreda

A Chinese book: Brothers, by Yu Hua

A Chinese writer: Yu Hua

A movie: Much ado about nothing, directed by Kenneth Brannagh

An actor or actress: Denzel Washington

A song or musical piece: The sun always shines on TV, by A-ha

A singer or performer: Depeche Mode, Lonely China Day

A landscape: The hills as seen from the Chinese Wall

A dish from Chinese cuisine: Jing jiang rou si

A dish from Catalan cuisine: Fricandó

A wish: Improve my Chinese


Monday, May 7, 2012

More online resources linking Chinese and Catalan cultures

Similarly to the spirit of Sinalunya, but from different angles and for different reasons, new online resources linking Chinese and Catalan cultures can be found on the internet. Let's see a few of them here (in alphabetical order):

  • Amics de Xina (Friends of China): Website created and maintained by Catalan families who have adopted Chinese children or simply that have interest in China and its culture.

  • Barcelona-Shanghai Women Bridge: Online resources created to gather entrepreneurial women residing in the areas of influence of each of these two cities.

  • Caràcter xinès (Chinese character): Blog run by translator Sílvia Fustegueres mainly devoted to Chinese literature.

  • Ensenyar llengua a l'alumnat no romànic xinès (Teaching language to the non-roman Chinese students): Veteran blog created by professor Arnau Cerdà to help Catalan teachers to teach Chinese students to learn Catalan and Spanish languages. It is also a resource to help locals to learn about Chinese culture.

  • Xinès per Catalans: New online resource created by Enric Pineda to help Catalan people to learn Chinese language.

  • 沟通 = Comunicar: Blog created and maintained by Mireia Vargas with extremely useful information for Chinese people residing in Spain.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Catalan bank "La Caixa" publishes booklet for Chinese immigrants in Spain

From http://obrasocial.lacaixa.es/StaticFiles/StaticFiles/0df7346e60c50210VgnVCM200000128cf10aRCRD/ca/Guia_xino.pdf (in Chinese)

As one of their welfare projects, "La Caixa" Foundation has published a booklet addressed at the Chinese immigrants and residents in Spain. The booklet, entitled "这里是一个怎么样的国家?" ("What does this country look like?"), contains all kind of useful information for the Chinese people that have chosen Spain as their country to live, like information about legal affairs, residence, work, health and education, among others. This booklet is also available in Spanish, English, Russian, Romanian and Urdu, and as a pdf file it can be downloaded from La Caixa Foundation website in French, Arab, Russian, Romanian and Spanish, apart from the above mentioned Chinese.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="375" caption="这里是一个怎么样的国家?"]What does this country look like?[/caption]

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

El Celler de Can Roca awarded as second best restaurant in the world for second consecutive year

From http://www.theworlds50best.com/awards/1-50-winners/el-celler-de-can-roca/ (in English)

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="461"]The Roca brothers, owners of El Celler de Can Roca (image from the restaurant's website) The Roca brothers, owners of El Celler de Can Roca (image from the restaurant's website)[/caption]

Girona-based restaurant El Celler de Can Roca has maintained the #2 position already achieved last year in the ranking of best restaurants in the world, according to the website The World’s 50 Best Restaurants. With this distinction, the Catalan family-run restaurant, that also has three Michelin stars, remains on the elite of world's gastronomy. El Celler de Can Roca has been ranked right after restaurant Noma, from Denmark, which has remained on top of the list for third consecutive year.

Last year we were fortunate enough to taste their exquisite creations. Here there is a sample of what we were offered :-)

[gallery columns="4"]


China, invited country to the 30th Comic Convention of Barcelona

From http://comic-30.ficomic.com/NOTICIES/detall.cfm/ID/3906/T/xina-es-pais-convidat-30-salo-comic-.html (in Spanish)

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="235" caption="30th Barcelona Comic Convention - image from FICOMIC website"]30th Barcelona Comic Convention - image from FICOMIC website[/caption]

People's Republic of China is the invited country to the 30th Comic Convention of BarcelonaChina's creations will be shown in a 200 square meter stand that will display the history of comics in this Asian country and will also display the work of its most remarkable creators through images, books, magazines, e-books and videos. The Convention will host members of Chinese government, representatives of comic-related companies and Chinese artists, who will take part in several public activities.

The participation of China as invited country of the 30th Comic Convention of Barcelona is the result of an agreement between the Department of Culture, Radio and Television of the Tianjin government and FICOMIC, the Federation of Comic's Professional Institutions, the organizer of the convention. This agreement was also actively promoted by the Chinese embassy in Spain.

Chinese comics have developed mostly in the last 30 years with the help of the Chinese Ministry of Culture, who has backed both artists and editors with the organization of different kinds of events, including international promotional activities. Chinese comics draw their influence from the traditional arts of the country and from the local culture, but each of its authors has been able to give his/her creations a unique personality. Many Chinese comic authors have become celebrities in China and it is not rare that some comics can sell over 2 million copies.

Barcelona's 30th Comic Convention will host four Chinese comic authorsChen Weidong (陈维东), script writer and founder of Tianjin Creator World Comic Co., Ltd.; Benjamin Zhang Bin (本杰明), a renowned illustrator that has worked for Marvel, among many others; Lotulist, a young Chinese draftswoman that has specialized in traditional Chinese icons, such as dragons; and Andy Chen, journalist and founder of K-ID Studio, specialized in the creation of comics and illustrations.

[caption id="attachment_1411" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="30th Barcelona Comic Convention"]30th Barcelona Comic Convention[/caption]