Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Industrial production in Taiwan increases in June and July 2011

From http://www.moea.gov.tw/Mns/english/news/News.aspx?kind=6&menu_id=176&news_id=22188 and http://www.moea.gov.tw/Mns/english/news/News.aspx?kind=6&menu_id=176&news_id=22551 (in English)

The Department of Statistics of the Republic of China (Taiwan) government has released information about the evolution of the industrial production in June and July 2011. A similar growth was detected in both months, 3.61% in June and 3.93% in July. The June growth was due mainly to construction (+11.90%) and supply of electricity and gas (4.59%), which counterbalanced the decrease by 8.28% of mining and quarrying. In July, growth was due mainly to construction (+36.24%) and manufacturing (3.73%), which supply of electricity and gas (4.59%), which compensated the slight decrease of the other sectors.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Taiwan's exports increased in July 2011

From http://www.moea.gov.tw/Mns/english/news/News.aspx?kind=6&menu_id=176&news_id=22387 (in English)

The Department of Statistics of the Republic of China (Taiwan) government has released information about the evolution of exports in July 2011, which has had an increase of 17.6% compared to July 2010 and has amounted US$28.12 billion. Imports reached US$24.77 billion, an increase of 14.0% compared with the same period last year, resulting in a Taiwan's trade surplus of US$3.3 billion.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

10th edition of Asia Festival 2011 in Barcelona

Asia Festival, the annual festival devoted to Asian culture organized by Casa Asia, is reaching its 10th edition. This year's festival will mainly focus on Central Asia and it will take place in Barcelona between Friday, September 16th and Sunday, September 25th, 2011. The program includes music from Kazakhstan, Korea, Japan, India, Pakistan, Iran and China, as well as the exhibitions of shadow theatre from Indonesia and of the fighters of the Naadam Festival from Mongolia. Most of these performances are free, but interested people are recommended to visit http://festivalasia.es/eng/entradas.html in order to get accurate information on the condition of each of the shows. Detailed information on the previous editions of the festival can also be obtained by visiting http://festivalasia.es/eng/ediciones.html.

10th Asia Festival, Barcelona

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Catalan companies in promotional mission for food products in Singapore and Malaysia

From http://www.icex.es/icex/cda/controller/pageICEX/0,6558,5518394_5519005_6366453_4507542,00.html (in Spanish)

The Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX) included 5 companies from Barcelona province and 1 from Tarragona province among the 45 companies that  showcased their wines and food products in Singapore and Malaysia between July 26th-28th, 2011. The goal of this promotional mission was to back their introduction and distribution in these Asian markets. Total Spanish exports to Singapore in 2010 totalled 686 million euros, a 21% increase in comparison with exports in 2009, of which 26 million euros corresponded to the food and drinks industries. Total Spanish exports to Malaysia in 2010 totalled 225 million euros, of which 13 million euros corresponded to the food and drinks industries.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Unemployment in Catalonia reduced by 5,525 people in July

From http://www.expansion.com/2011/08/02/catalunya/1312295459.html (in Spanish)

According to official statistics, Catalonia was the third autonomous community with the greatest reduction of unemployment in July after Galicia and Valencia. The number of jobless people in Catalonia decreased by 5,525 during the previous month, which represents a decrease by 0.96%. Greatest percentual reduction has happened in Girona (2.4%), followed by Tarragona (1.9%), Barcelona (0.7%) and Lleida (0.2%).

Catalonia's long-term rating downgraded

From http://www.catalannewsagency.com/news/business/moodys-downgrades-catalonias-long-term-rating (in Spanish)

The international rating agency Moody's Investors Service has downgraded by one level Catalonia's long-term rating, together with other Spanish autonomous communities such as Castilla-La Mancha, Murcia and Valencia. Catalonia's rating has been downgraded from A3 to Baa1 due to Moody's expectation that the region will still deviate widely from the deficit limit for the year, despite the efforts done by present Catalan government of reducing deficit by 1.2% in comparison with 2010.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Singapore entrepreneurs travel to Catalonia to learn from its gastronomy

From http://www.expansion.com/2011/07/21/catalunya/1311275284.html (in Spanish)

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="432" caption="Restaurant Can Jubany (image from Restaurant Can Jubany website)"]Restaurant Can Jubany[/caption]

A group of 20 entrepreneurs and directives from Singaporean companies have traveled to Catalonia in order to learn about its food industry and its gastronomy. This visit has been arranged by the government of Singapore, that helps companies to learn from innovation done by other countries, and Catalonia has been the chosen one in the food sector. The Singaporean delegation has visited companies such Europastry, Gallina Blanca and Damm, and they have been surprised by the high level of robotization in the production process of the latter.  They have also visited the baker and chocolate expert Enric Rovira, as well as restaurants Via Veneto, Can Jubany, and the new foundation created by El Bulli owner Ferran Adrià, Fundació Alícia, a research centre focusing on technological innovation in kitchen science and the dissemination of agronourishment and gastronomic heritage.