From (in Catalan)
The Comission on Industrial Policy and Technological Innovation of the College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia is organizing a technical session on December 3rd, 2014, aimed at ascertaining whether China and its trend in robotics can be an opportunity for Catalan professionals and companies.
China has become the main manufacturing company in the word taking advantatge of the competitiveness provided by its low labor costs. However, the recent years have seen steady efforts in automation and robotization of the productive processes, which has turned China into the main world market in the number of installed robots.
This session will explore the present situation of robotics in China, its incentives and the opportunities that it brings for the Catalan professionals and companies. The speakers have been chosen for their knowledge on the ground of this situation and they will explain it before having an opening discussion with the audience.
The speakers for this session are:
- Rosanna Terminio, Managing Partner, Asecorp China Business Consulting
- David Mayoral, Press Automation Systems, ABB Xina
- Representative of MEPSA (pending confirmation)
The moderator of the session will be Albert Ferrari, coordinator of the China Working Group of the College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia.
The event will take place at 6 pm of December 3rd, 2014, at the headquarters of the College of Industrial Engineers, Via Laietana, 39, 5th floor, in Barcelona.
Online registration for College members
Online registration for non-members
Blog on the economic, social and cultural relationships on Chinese cultural countries and Catalunya
Monday, November 24, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Workshop on the advantages of Hong Kong for a structured growth in China
From (in Catalan)
The agreement to avoid the double taxing between Spain and Hong Kong gives interesting and clear advantages for the companies working and with interests on the area. This workshop will offer from a practical point of view which are the benefits of the investments in China via Hong Kong and which are the differences introduced by the signature of the agreement. The workshop will also offer patterns of introduction into the Chinese market through the example provided by real companies.
The speakers of this session will be:
- Stefano Passarello, Managing Partner a People & Projects Ltd.
- Siegfried Verstappen, Senior Investment Promotion Executive. Invest in Hong Kong Brussels
The event will be presented by Carles Palomo, Business Director at ROBERLO S.A.
This workshop will take place on September 23rd, 2014, at the headquarters of the College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia, Via Laietana, 39, 5th floor, Barcelona.
The agreement to avoid the double taxing between Spain and Hong Kong gives interesting and clear advantages for the companies working and with interests on the area. This workshop will offer from a practical point of view which are the benefits of the investments in China via Hong Kong and which are the differences introduced by the signature of the agreement. The workshop will also offer patterns of introduction into the Chinese market through the example provided by real companies.
The speakers of this session will be:
- Stefano Passarello, Managing Partner a People & Projects Ltd.
- Siegfried Verstappen, Senior Investment Promotion Executive. Invest in Hong Kong Brussels
The event will be presented by Carles Palomo, Business Director at ROBERLO S.A.
This workshop will take place on September 23rd, 2014, at the headquarters of the College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia, Via Laietana, 39, 5th floor, Barcelona.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Posting and living a parents' life
You might have noticed that lately we haven't been posting much here as before, but we have a good reason for it: our first son is due to be born in early October. As new parents, we have been busy with all the things related to this unique moment: from the periodical medical examinations to preparing everything at home to receive and to nurse our baby. It's been more time consuming than we could have ever expected beforehand!
Since most of the blogging was done at night, after our working and home dues were done, we have found ourselves with little time and energy to keep this activity at the previous pace. And in the forthcoming months, when the baby is born, we should expect the trend to go worse. Of course, we will have far more important things to take care, apart from running the blog.
So, future posting will here become more sparse and difficult to predict. However, if anyone is interested in something to be published here, please don't hesitate to drop us a note and pose the request. Also, if we can be of help with the translation from and to Chinese, we are also available.
Thanks and best wishes to all of our visitors, both frequent and occasional.
Since most of the blogging was done at night, after our working and home dues were done, we have found ourselves with little time and energy to keep this activity at the previous pace. And in the forthcoming months, when the baby is born, we should expect the trend to go worse. Of course, we will have far more important things to take care, apart from running the blog.
So, future posting will here become more sparse and difficult to predict. However, if anyone is interested in something to be published here, please don't hesitate to drop us a note and pose the request. Also, if we can be of help with the translation from and to Chinese, we are also available.
Thanks and best wishes to all of our visitors, both frequent and occasional.
Monday, June 9, 2014
Barcelona city council and Catalan government promote guide for Chinese investors
From (in Catalan)
Barcelona headquarters of Casa Àsia hosted the presentation of the guide addressed to the Chinese investors that are planning to do business in Catalonia. The event was presided by the General Manager of Casa Àsia, Ramon Maria Moreno, of the Economic Counselor of the Embassy of China in Spain, Chen Yunming, of the relationship manager of Corporate Banking of ICBS in Spain, David Calet, of the Executive Director of Promotion at Barcelona Activa, Josep Mª Marqués, and of the Industry General Director of the Catalan government, Antoni Mª Grau.
The Barcelona city council, through Barcelona Activa, and Invest in Catalonia ACCIÓ, from the Catalan government, have published the first guide addressed to Chinese investors and businessmen. The goal of this publication is to promote Barcelona and Catalonia as reference destinations for Chinese investments in southern Europe and the Mediterranean region, as well as to provide the basic information for the establishment of Chinese companies in Catalonia.
The guidebook has been published in Chinese and English and it has a detailed information about many aspects of life in Catalonia, from the cultural ones related to businesses to the regulations that apply related to taxes or workers' rights. It also explains the reasons to invest in Barcelona and Catalonia and the steps to follow in order to apply for a working permit, or what it is needed for a Chinese company to establish in Catalonia.
The document can be accessed through the Slideshare page of Barcelona Activa:
[slideshare id=35478459&doc=cataloniabcnxines-140604082430-phpapp01&type=d]
Barcelona headquarters of Casa Àsia hosted the presentation of the guide addressed to the Chinese investors that are planning to do business in Catalonia. The event was presided by the General Manager of Casa Àsia, Ramon Maria Moreno, of the Economic Counselor of the Embassy of China in Spain, Chen Yunming, of the relationship manager of Corporate Banking of ICBS in Spain, David Calet, of the Executive Director of Promotion at Barcelona Activa, Josep Mª Marqués, and of the Industry General Director of the Catalan government, Antoni Mª Grau.
The Barcelona city council, through Barcelona Activa, and Invest in Catalonia ACCIÓ, from the Catalan government, have published the first guide addressed to Chinese investors and businessmen. The goal of this publication is to promote Barcelona and Catalonia as reference destinations for Chinese investments in southern Europe and the Mediterranean region, as well as to provide the basic information for the establishment of Chinese companies in Catalonia.
The guidebook has been published in Chinese and English and it has a detailed information about many aspects of life in Catalonia, from the cultural ones related to businesses to the regulations that apply related to taxes or workers' rights. It also explains the reasons to invest in Barcelona and Catalonia and the steps to follow in order to apply for a working permit, or what it is needed for a Chinese company to establish in Catalonia.
The document can be accessed through the Slideshare page of Barcelona Activa:
[slideshare id=35478459&doc=cataloniabcnxines-140604082430-phpapp01&type=d]
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
2、第一、二阶段教育(长期阶段,即完整的“大学本科阶段”,五年学制)。此种学业分为两个阶段,但通过第一阶段后并不颁发任何文凭,也不意味 着完成完整的学业或具备专门的职业资格。只有完成全部两个阶段的学业,学生才可按所学学科获得相应的学士学位(Licenciatura)。
二、 院校名单

University of the Balearic Islands
Wikipedia: The University of the Balearic Islands is a Balearic Spanish university, founded in 1978 and located in Palma on the island of Majorca. →
2、第一、二阶段教育(长期阶段,即完整的“大学本科阶段”,五年学制)。此种学业分为两个阶段,但通过第一阶段后并不颁发任何文凭,也不意味 着完成完整的学业或具备专门的职业资格。只有完成全部两个阶段的学业,学生才可按所学学科获得相应的学士学位(Licenciatura)。
二、 院校名单
1 | 拉科鲁尼亚大学 | |
2 | 阿尔卡拉大学 | |
3 | 阿利坎特大学 | |
4 | 阿尔梅利亚大学 | |
5 | 巴塞罗那自治大学 | |
6 | 马德里自治大学 | |
7 | 巴塞罗那大学 | |
8 | 布尔戈斯大学 | |
9 | 卡的斯大学 | |
10 | 坎塔布里亚大学 | |
11 | 马德里卡洛斯三世大学 | |
12 | 卡斯蒂利亚拉曼却大学 | |
13 | 马德里康普顿斯大学 | |
14 | 科尔多瓦大学 | |
15 | 埃斯特雷马杜拉大学 | |
16 | 赫罗纳大学 | |
17 | 格拉纳达大学 | |
18 | 维尔瓦大学 | |
19 | 巴利阿里群岛大学 | |
20 | 安达卢西亚国际大学 | |
21 | 梅南德斯·佩拉尤国际大学 | |
22 | 哈恩大学 | |
23 | 海梅一世大学 | |
24 | 拉古纳大学 | |
25 | 里奥哈大学 | |
26 | 加那利群岛拉斯帕尔马斯大学 | |
27 | 莱昂大学 | |
28 | 莱里达大学 | |
29 | 马拉加大学 | |
30 | 米格尔·埃尔南德斯·德埃尔切大学 | |
31 | 穆尔西亚大学 | |
32 | 奥维耶多大学 | |
33 | 帕布罗·德奥拉韦德大学 | |
34 | 巴斯克大学 | |
35 | 卡塔赫纳理工大学 | |
36 | 加泰罗尼亚理工大学 | |
37 | 马德里理工大学 | |
38 | 瓦伦西亚理工大学 | |
39 | 朋培法普拉大学 | |
40 | 那瓦拉公立大学 | |
41 | 胡安卡洛斯国王大学 | |
42 | 罗维拉·依维尔基里大学 | |
43 | 萨拉曼卡大学 | |
44 | 圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉大学 | |
45 | 塞维利亚大学 | |
46 | 瓦伦西亚大学 | |
47 | 巴里亚多利德大学 | |
48 | 比戈大学 | |
49 | 萨拉戈萨大学 |
1 | 卡米亚斯大主教大学 | |
2 | 德乌斯托大学 | |
3 | 拉蒙尤以大学 | |
4 | 圣帕布洛大学 |

Saturday, March 29, 2014
Business meeting China - Catalonia in Barcelona to promote investments
From (in Catalan)
The business meeting China - Catalonia that will take place on April 8th, 2014, is being organized in order to to strengthen the international relationship and the trade between them. This meeting will also be an excellent opportunity to highlight the importance of the internationalization of Catalan companies and also of the recent Chinese investments in Catalonia.
[gview file="" save="1"]
The business meeting China - Catalonia that will take place on April 8th, 2014, is being organized in order to to strengthen the international relationship and the trade between them. This meeting will also be an excellent opportunity to highlight the importance of the internationalization of Catalan companies and also of the recent Chinese investments in Catalonia.
[gview file="" save="1"]
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Conference in Barcelona about the Chinese strategy towards global leadership
From (in English)
On March 27th, 2014, the Centre for International Studies together with the Confucius Institute Foundation in Barcelona and Casa Asia organises a seminar on the external projection of China and its strategy towards the global economic and political leadership. This free event will take place at the Palau Macaya, Passeig de Sant Joan 108 of Barcelona between 3 pm and 7 pm.
On March 27th, 2014, the Centre for International Studies together with the Confucius Institute Foundation in Barcelona and Casa Asia organises a seminar on the external projection of China and its strategy towards the global economic and political leadership. This free event will take place at the Palau Macaya, Passeig de Sant Joan 108 of Barcelona between 3 pm and 7 pm.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Barcelona holds a training session on "Business, Company and Protocol in China"
From (in English)
Casa Asia and Confucius Institute, in collaboration with Barcelona Activa, are organizing a training session on "Business, Company and Protocol in China" scheduled for Tuesday 25th March 2014, from 9:30am to 14:00pm. The event will take place at the headquarters of Barcelona Activa - Incubadora d'empreses Glòries, Llacuna street, 162-164, in Barcelona. A recent announcement has noted that registration has reached room's capacity and there are no further seats available.
Due to an increase in the economic and cultural relationships between China and Europe, the number of opportunities at professional, enterprise and business levels is also on the rise. This requires to bridge de gap between cultures and, with this in mind, Casa Asia and Confucius Institute in collaboration with Barcelona Activa have organised a free training course for business people and professionals in Barcelona. A similar event will take place in Madrid one day earlier.
Introduction: A general vision of business relations between China and Europe
The transition of the Chinese business world: economy and company management
Coffee Break & Networking
Key points for intercultural communication to do business
Welcome speech in Barcelona
Mario Rubert, Director of International Promotion of Barcelona City Council
Montserrat Riba, Secretary General of Casa Asia
Àngels Pelegrín, Co-Director of Confucius Institute of Barcelona
Eunsuk Hong, lecturer of Business & Management in China, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London University
Antonio Liu Yang, lawyer, university professor and founder of Mediterrasian Consulting
The lectures of the course will be delivered in English and Spanish.
Casa Asia and Confucius Institute, in collaboration with Barcelona Activa, are organizing a training session on "Business, Company and Protocol in China" scheduled for Tuesday 25th March 2014, from 9:30am to 14:00pm. The event will take place at the headquarters of Barcelona Activa - Incubadora d'empreses Glòries, Llacuna street, 162-164, in Barcelona. A recent announcement has noted that registration has reached room's capacity and there are no further seats available.
Due to an increase in the economic and cultural relationships between China and Europe, the number of opportunities at professional, enterprise and business levels is also on the rise. This requires to bridge de gap between cultures and, with this in mind, Casa Asia and Confucius Institute in collaboration with Barcelona Activa have organised a free training course for business people and professionals in Barcelona. A similar event will take place in Madrid one day earlier.
Introduction: A general vision of business relations between China and Europe
The transition of the Chinese business world: economy and company management
- Doing business in current China.
- Business organization.
- Foreign entrepreneurs in China.
- Investigation in distribution and marketing processes.
- Study cases
Coffee Break & Networking
Key points for intercultural communication to do business
- Intercultural communication from a general perspective.
- Management of human resources.
- Specific aspects of intercultural business management in the Chinese case.
- Beyond the concept of guanxi: interpersonal and professional relationships.
- Non-verbal language, greetings and introductions.
- Analysis of particular situations.
Welcome speech in Barcelona
Mario Rubert, Director of International Promotion of Barcelona City Council
Montserrat Riba, Secretary General of Casa Asia
Àngels Pelegrín, Co-Director of Confucius Institute of Barcelona
Eunsuk Hong, lecturer of Business & Management in China, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London University
Antonio Liu Yang, lawyer, university professor and founder of Mediterrasian Consulting
The lectures of the course will be delivered in English and Spanish.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Catalan movie "Barcelona, nit d'estiu" displayed in Taiwan's Euro Style Festival
From (in Catalan)
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="460"]
Poster of "Barcelona, nit d'estiu" by Dani de la Orden (image from the Euro Style Festival website)[/caption]
"Barcelona, nit d'estiu" ("Barcelona, summer night", "巴塞隆纳,我爱你"), directed by Dani de la Orden, is receiving accolades wherever it is displayed. After being granted with one Gaudí Award, for Joan Dausà in the category of Best Original Soundtrack, and being nominated to other two, as well as earning another nomination to a Feroz award, the Catalan movie is currently being exhibited at the Euro Style Festival 2014 (2014欧洲影展in台中), held in Taichung (台中), Taiwan (台湾), where it has also been received with enthusiasm.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="460"]

"Barcelona, nit d'estiu" ("Barcelona, summer night", "巴塞隆纳,我爱你"), directed by Dani de la Orden, is receiving accolades wherever it is displayed. After being granted with one Gaudí Award, for Joan Dausà in the category of Best Original Soundtrack, and being nominated to other two, as well as earning another nomination to a Feroz award, the Catalan movie is currently being exhibited at the Euro Style Festival 2014 (2014欧洲影展in台中), held in Taichung (台中), Taiwan (台湾), where it has also been received with enthusiasm.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Barcelona citizen rescues HTC CEO from traffic jam and takes him to the MWC
From (in Spanish)
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="317"]
Obdulio Herrera, the man that saved HTC's CEO Peter Chou from a traffic jam in Barcelona during the MWC 2014 (image from HTC's Spanish website)[/caption]
During the recent Mobile World Congress 2014 held in Barcelona, Peter Chou (周永明), CEO of HTC, was travelling in a taxi when he found himself in the middle of a severe traffic jam. Sensing that he would not make it to the Mobile World Congress on time, he paid the taxi driver and asked him to find a motorcycle rider that could take him to the convention centre. So he stopped one, who gently offered himself to take him there and he even let Peter Chou to use his daughter's helmet. Upon arrival to the MWC site -on time!-, the anonymous motorcycle rider refused to receive any kind of compensation from the HTC leader. After the event, Peter Chou started the quest to find and identify the man using the company's blog and social media. Soon, the local media also started to spread the news and finally the man was identified: it was 53-year old Obdulio Herrera, who was surprised by all the fuss made around his act. As a reward, Obdulio Herrera has been invited by HTC to its most important event of the year, the presentation of the new HTC smartphone, that will take place in London on March 25th, 2014.
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="317"]

During the recent Mobile World Congress 2014 held in Barcelona, Peter Chou (周永明), CEO of HTC, was travelling in a taxi when he found himself in the middle of a severe traffic jam. Sensing that he would not make it to the Mobile World Congress on time, he paid the taxi driver and asked him to find a motorcycle rider that could take him to the convention centre. So he stopped one, who gently offered himself to take him there and he even let Peter Chou to use his daughter's helmet. Upon arrival to the MWC site -on time!-, the anonymous motorcycle rider refused to receive any kind of compensation from the HTC leader. After the event, Peter Chou started the quest to find and identify the man using the company's blog and social media. Soon, the local media also started to spread the news and finally the man was identified: it was 53-year old Obdulio Herrera, who was surprised by all the fuss made around his act. As a reward, Obdulio Herrera has been invited by HTC to its most important event of the year, the presentation of the new HTC smartphone, that will take place in London on March 25th, 2014.
Mobile World Congress,
Obdulio Herrera,
Peter Chou,
Friday, February 28, 2014
Published the issue #11 of the Newsletter of the Catalan Engineers in China
The China Working Group of the College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia has released the issue 11 of their Newsletter. It can be read and downloaded in the previous link for from here below.
Conference in Barcelona by Eugeni Bregolat about the evolution of China
From (in Catalan)
Eugeni Bregolat, Spanish ambassador in China in three different periods (from 1986 to 1991; from 1999 to 2003; and from 2011 until the present day), will give a speech in Barcelona on March 27th, 2014 at 18:30 under the title "The evolution of China towards the knowledge society and the opportunities for our companies" (L'evolució de Xina cap a la societat del coneixement i les oportunitats per les nostres empreses). The event is organized by the China Working Group of the College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia and it will held in their headquarters at Via Laietana, 39, 5th floor, Barcelona.
Eugeni Bregolat will give his vision on what could be the evolution of the Chinese reforms announced last autumn, specially on the R+D+I and on the education fields. China is quickly advancing towards a knowledge society, something that is expecting to open future opportunities for our companies.
For further information, call +34 933 192 304 (from 9 to 14 h and from 16 to 18 h).
- Registration form for members
- Registration form for non-members
Eugeni Bregolat, Spanish ambassador in China in three different periods (from 1986 to 1991; from 1999 to 2003; and from 2011 until the present day), will give a speech in Barcelona on March 27th, 2014 at 18:30 under the title "The evolution of China towards the knowledge society and the opportunities for our companies" (L'evolució de Xina cap a la societat del coneixement i les oportunitats per les nostres empreses). The event is organized by the China Working Group of the College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia and it will held in their headquarters at Via Laietana, 39, 5th floor, Barcelona.
Eugeni Bregolat will give his vision on what could be the evolution of the Chinese reforms announced last autumn, specially on the R+D+I and on the education fields. China is quickly advancing towards a knowledge society, something that is expecting to open future opportunities for our companies.
For further information, call +34 933 192 304 (from 9 to 14 h and from 16 to 18 h).
- Registration form for members
- Registration form for non-members
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Workshop on advanced Chinese paintings in Barcelona
From (in Catalan)
[caption id="attachment_2893" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Workshop on Advanced Chinese Paintings[/caption]
Taiwanese teacher Hsiao-Lin Liu is going to offer a workshop on advanced Chinese paintings in the headquarters of Casa Àsia in Barcelona between March 12th and May 14th, 2014. Calm and harmony are very important in Chinese paintings and in this course the students will learn how to reflect it through the painting of flowers, fruits and birds. Students will also have the opportunity to practice the techniques of oriental paintings and discover their mystic side.
Hsiao-Lin Liu is currently working on her PhD on the Kuang Cao Chinese calligraphy and its relationship with the contemporary art at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona.
For further information, please visit the webpage of this workshop on Casa Àsia.
[caption id="attachment_2893" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

Taiwanese teacher Hsiao-Lin Liu is going to offer a workshop on advanced Chinese paintings in the headquarters of Casa Àsia in Barcelona between March 12th and May 14th, 2014. Calm and harmony are very important in Chinese paintings and in this course the students will learn how to reflect it through the painting of flowers, fruits and birds. Students will also have the opportunity to practice the techniques of oriental paintings and discover their mystic side.
Hsiao-Lin Liu is currently working on her PhD on the Kuang Cao Chinese calligraphy and its relationship with the contemporary art at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona.
For further information, please visit the webpage of this workshop on Casa Àsia.
Casa Asia,
Chinese calligraphy,
Chinese painting,
Hsiao Lin Liu,
Kuang Cao,
Casa Asia in Barcelona organizes course on Chinese cinema
From (in English)
[caption id="attachment_2897" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Course "Chinese Cinema: Stories and Evolutions" (image from Casa Asia website)[/caption]
From the February 25th to April 1st, 2014, the headquarters of Casa Àsia in Barcelona will host a course entitled "Chinese Cinema: Stories and Evolutions" given by Manel Ollé, professor of Chinese History and Culture and coordinator of the Master in Chinese Studies at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona. For further information on the fees, the detailed schedule and the location, please visit its webpage at Casa Àsia.
[caption id="attachment_2897" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

From the February 25th to April 1st, 2014, the headquarters of Casa Àsia in Barcelona will host a course entitled "Chinese Cinema: Stories and Evolutions" given by Manel Ollé, professor of Chinese History and Culture and coordinator of the Master in Chinese Studies at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona. For further information on the fees, the detailed schedule and the location, please visit its webpage at Casa Àsia.
Casa Asia,
Manel Ollé,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra,
Friday, January 24, 2014
Costa Brava Girona Tourist Board plans to attract Chinese visitors
From (in Catalan)
The director of the Costa Brava Girona Tourist Board, Ramon Ramos, has explained that this organization will start working on the promotion of the region in the Chinese market, to prepare the ground for the boom that has been forecast for the next three to four years. To help with the process, the Board has signed a native Chinese young girl that will work on the preparation of a database containing the whole tourist offer from Costa Brava (布拉瓦海岸) and on advising on the needs, tastes and preferences of the Chinese market.
[caption id="attachment_2846" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
The Costa Brava, north of the Creus Cape[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_2847" align="alignleft" width="300"]
The fishing port from El Port de la Selva[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_2848" align="alignleft" width="225"]
Fishing near the mouth of the Ter river in central Costa Brava[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_2850" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Cala Boadella in Lloret de Mar, southern Costa Brava[/caption]
The director of the Costa Brava Girona Tourist Board, Ramon Ramos, has explained that this organization will start working on the promotion of the region in the Chinese market, to prepare the ground for the boom that has been forecast for the next three to four years. To help with the process, the Board has signed a native Chinese young girl that will work on the preparation of a database containing the whole tourist offer from Costa Brava (布拉瓦海岸) and on advising on the needs, tastes and preferences of the Chinese market.
[caption id="attachment_2846" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

[caption id="attachment_2847" align="alignleft" width="300"]

[caption id="attachment_2848" align="alignleft" width="225"]

[caption id="attachment_2850" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Catalan leader of LED bulbs moves factory back from China
From (in Catalan)
Founded in 2010, Led Tech Ibérica is a Catalan company that is currently working in five countries and that this year is expected to reach 1 million € in total sales. Led Tech Ibérica is the only company in Europe that guarantees the production of the chips, the main part of the LED bulbs, and now is investing 100,000 euros to move their factory back from China to Golmés (Lleida province) during the present year 2014.
According to Led Tech Ibérica's manager Robert Bonet, "opposite to what happens in other economic environments, in China the companies that produce LED are closing and moving to other countries". Until now, the company has worked with providers from Taiwan, Japan, United States and South Korea, but never from China, because of the uncertainty caused by the closing of the Chinese companies of this sector. Robert Bonet also states that a "qualified worker in China is more expensive and less productive than in Europe" and he also is convinced that franchising is the best option for his company because "it allows us to control the whole chain, from production to distribution and sales; moreover, it also helps to have a slower growth".
Each of the bulbs installed by Led Tech Ibérica has a price between 20 and 25 euros, which is considered as competitive by Robert Bonet, "because it gives the possibility to offer a lasting product, with a low consumption and with a real guarantee of 3 years. The choice of many companies is to buy cheap materials in China, but this also reduces the quality of the product. We are gaining market with the replacement of LED bulbs".
Founded in 2010, Led Tech Ibérica is a Catalan company that is currently working in five countries and that this year is expected to reach 1 million € in total sales. Led Tech Ibérica is the only company in Europe that guarantees the production of the chips, the main part of the LED bulbs, and now is investing 100,000 euros to move their factory back from China to Golmés (Lleida province) during the present year 2014.
According to Led Tech Ibérica's manager Robert Bonet, "opposite to what happens in other economic environments, in China the companies that produce LED are closing and moving to other countries". Until now, the company has worked with providers from Taiwan, Japan, United States and South Korea, but never from China, because of the uncertainty caused by the closing of the Chinese companies of this sector. Robert Bonet also states that a "qualified worker in China is more expensive and less productive than in Europe" and he also is convinced that franchising is the best option for his company because "it allows us to control the whole chain, from production to distribution and sales; moreover, it also helps to have a slower growth".
Each of the bulbs installed by Led Tech Ibérica has a price between 20 and 25 euros, which is considered as competitive by Robert Bonet, "because it gives the possibility to offer a lasting product, with a low consumption and with a real guarantee of 3 years. The choice of many companies is to buy cheap materials in China, but this also reduces the quality of the product. We are gaining market with the replacement of LED bulbs".
Thursday, January 16, 2014
FC Barcelona takes part again in the promotion of Catalonia in China
From (in Spanish)
For third year in a row, FC Barcelona takes part in the promotion of Catalonia in China through the contest organized in this country by Tencent Sports, the Catalan Tourism Agency and Qatar Airways. Through the competition "Barcelona Action", the winning Chinese fans of FC Barcelona will be able to tour Catalonia for a week and to attend a football match in the Camp Nou. For further information, please visit the webpage
For third year in a row, FC Barcelona takes part in the promotion of Catalonia in China through the contest organized in this country by Tencent Sports, the Catalan Tourism Agency and Qatar Airways. Through the competition "Barcelona Action", the winning Chinese fans of FC Barcelona will be able to tour Catalonia for a week and to attend a football match in the Camp Nou. For further information, please visit the webpage
Catalan TV program "Òpera en texans" attends the Taiwan International Children's Film Festival
From (in Catalan)
"Òpera en texans" (Opera in Jeans) is a a TV program of Televisió de Catalunya devoted to the promotion of classical music and opera in a very original and innovative way. Its presenter, Ramon Gener, is a opera singer and pianist that has achieved a big success in Catalonia because of his contagious enthusiasm when explaining the secrets of "bel canto". "Òpera en texans" has been nominated to three awards in the Taiwan International Children's Film Festival: best TV program, jury's special award and audience award. The Taiwan International Children's Film Festival will take place between March 27 and April 6, 2014, and the winners will be announced on April 4.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="468"]
Ramon Gener and his passion for classical music and opera (Image from Ramon Gener's website)[/caption]
"Òpera en texans" (Opera in Jeans) is a a TV program of Televisió de Catalunya devoted to the promotion of classical music and opera in a very original and innovative way. Its presenter, Ramon Gener, is a opera singer and pianist that has achieved a big success in Catalonia because of his contagious enthusiasm when explaining the secrets of "bel canto". "Òpera en texans" has been nominated to three awards in the Taiwan International Children's Film Festival: best TV program, jury's special award and audience award. The Taiwan International Children's Film Festival will take place between March 27 and April 6, 2014, and the winners will be announced on April 4.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="468"]

Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Hong Kong students visit several organizations in Girona
From (in Catalan)
Around forty students from Hong Kong have spent two days in the city of Girona in order to know several organizations within the University of Girona, such as the Consell d'Associacions d'Estudiants (Council of the Associations of Students) and the Centre Cristià dels Universitaris (Christian Centre of the University Students), as well as other organizations outside the academic environment such as the Coordinadora d'ONG Solidàries (and NGO to promote peace and solidarity) and Càritas (a Christian roots association to help the poor). Their visit to Girona had been organized by Wusmed (World University Service of Mediterranean), an organization based in the University of Girona Scientific and Technological Park.
Around forty students from Hong Kong have spent two days in the city of Girona in order to know several organizations within the University of Girona, such as the Consell d'Associacions d'Estudiants (Council of the Associations of Students) and the Centre Cristià dels Universitaris (Christian Centre of the University Students), as well as other organizations outside the academic environment such as the Coordinadora d'ONG Solidàries (and NGO to promote peace and solidarity) and Càritas (a Christian roots association to help the poor). Their visit to Girona had been organized by Wusmed (World University Service of Mediterranean), an organization based in the University of Girona Scientific and Technological Park.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Chinese entrepreneurs visit Penedès wine region
From (in Catalan)
A group of Chinese entrepreneurs is planning to build a City of Wine in Wuwei, in the province of Gansu, China. In order to turn this dream into reality, they are on a tour around some of the most renowned wine regions in Europe, seeking for knowledge and inspiration. As part of this tour, the group travelled to Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, in the Penedès wine region, located some 50 km west of Barcelona, to contact with wine and cava producers and research and promotion centers.
The Chinese delegation decided to visit the municipality attracted by its experience at the technical, economic, touristic and social levels. The venture is being developed in collaboration with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, that provides advice on the architectural project, which is expected to be built before ten years time and with a total surface of 20 million squared meters.
A group of Chinese entrepreneurs is planning to build a City of Wine in Wuwei, in the province of Gansu, China. In order to turn this dream into reality, they are on a tour around some of the most renowned wine regions in Europe, seeking for knowledge and inspiration. As part of this tour, the group travelled to Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, in the Penedès wine region, located some 50 km west of Barcelona, to contact with wine and cava producers and research and promotion centers.
The Chinese delegation decided to visit the municipality attracted by its experience at the technical, economic, touristic and social levels. The venture is being developed in collaboration with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, that provides advice on the architectural project, which is expected to be built before ten years time and with a total surface of 20 million squared meters.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Catalonia deepens its roots in China
From (in Catalan)
The on-line Catalan business magazine, Via Empresa, has recently published an article by Joan Ramon Armadàs about the increasing commercial relationship between China and Catalonia.
According to the official statistics, until August 2013 Catalan exports had amounted 4,5 billion €, a fourth of the Spanish exports, growing by 7.3%. Catalan exports to China are still a small percentage, amounting 90 million €, but with a growth between January 2012 and August 2013 that has reached 19%.
Acció is the agency set up by the Catalan Government to improve the competitiveness of Catalan enterprises throughout the world. Gao Wei is the head of the Acció office in China and he is aware that the growth of the Chinese economy is the main reason for the companies to land in China. According to him, "the economic situation in China offers business opportunities to the Catalan companies, specially in projects related with the transfer of technology".
About whether it is better to be physically in China or if it is enough to have some good local contacts and suppliers, a question that probably nowadays many companies have had, Gao Wei offers his wisdom: "it is important to have contacts and suppliers, but it is highly recommendable to travel to China to visit the local companies before starting the business". He also acknowledges that China is a difficult market for the Catalan companies, due to factors such as the different commercial practices, the cultural differences and the administrative barriers applied by the Chinese government in order to protect the local products.
Another big question is in which part of China it is better to land. According to Ana Beatriz Hernández, a teacher at the Department of Business Management at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and author of the report "Análisis de la inversión empresarial catalana en China (Analysis of the Catalan business investments in China)", companies should not only consider to invest in the big cities. In them, competition is fierce and it is where the Chinese government is working harder to compensate it. In a recent interview in the Acció website, Ana Beatriz Hernández states that the main interest of the Chinese government now is to develop its inland regions through different kinds of incentives that some Catalan companies have already started to use. However, it is also frequent that the geographical location of the investment is related to the area of the chosen local partner.
Despite these advantages of the inland areas, the names of the main Chinese cities are still an important factor for the attraction of the foreign companies willing to establish in China. According to Gao Wei, Beijing is where the decisions about the big projects are made and it is where there is a higher density of universities and research centres, which means it is where the highest concentration of talent and prepared people. On the other hand, Shanghai has a great commercial activity because it is the place where the reform tests are being made, like the Pudong New Area (浦东新区) or the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone (上海外高桥保税区). Finally, he sees Hong Kong as the window of China that's open to the rest the world, both for its free trade and for the its important attraction of foreign investments.
From the opposite point of view, Catalonia also offers things to which the Chinese are attracted to, specially in terms of tourism, culture and sports. Gao Wei also states that the Catalan people are acknowledged by their entrepreneur and commercial spirit, as proven by the appointment of Barcelona as the capital of the Mobile World Congress, that has brought Chinese companies such as Huawei or Lenovo to open offices in Barcelona.
The on-line Catalan business magazine, Via Empresa, has recently published an article by Joan Ramon Armadàs about the increasing commercial relationship between China and Catalonia.
According to the official statistics, until August 2013 Catalan exports had amounted 4,5 billion €, a fourth of the Spanish exports, growing by 7.3%. Catalan exports to China are still a small percentage, amounting 90 million €, but with a growth between January 2012 and August 2013 that has reached 19%.
Acció is the agency set up by the Catalan Government to improve the competitiveness of Catalan enterprises throughout the world. Gao Wei is the head of the Acció office in China and he is aware that the growth of the Chinese economy is the main reason for the companies to land in China. According to him, "the economic situation in China offers business opportunities to the Catalan companies, specially in projects related with the transfer of technology".
About whether it is better to be physically in China or if it is enough to have some good local contacts and suppliers, a question that probably nowadays many companies have had, Gao Wei offers his wisdom: "it is important to have contacts and suppliers, but it is highly recommendable to travel to China to visit the local companies before starting the business". He also acknowledges that China is a difficult market for the Catalan companies, due to factors such as the different commercial practices, the cultural differences and the administrative barriers applied by the Chinese government in order to protect the local products.
Another big question is in which part of China it is better to land. According to Ana Beatriz Hernández, a teacher at the Department of Business Management at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and author of the report "Análisis de la inversión empresarial catalana en China (Analysis of the Catalan business investments in China)", companies should not only consider to invest in the big cities. In them, competition is fierce and it is where the Chinese government is working harder to compensate it. In a recent interview in the Acció website, Ana Beatriz Hernández states that the main interest of the Chinese government now is to develop its inland regions through different kinds of incentives that some Catalan companies have already started to use. However, it is also frequent that the geographical location of the investment is related to the area of the chosen local partner.
Despite these advantages of the inland areas, the names of the main Chinese cities are still an important factor for the attraction of the foreign companies willing to establish in China. According to Gao Wei, Beijing is where the decisions about the big projects are made and it is where there is a higher density of universities and research centres, which means it is where the highest concentration of talent and prepared people. On the other hand, Shanghai has a great commercial activity because it is the place where the reform tests are being made, like the Pudong New Area (浦东新区) or the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone (上海外高桥保税区). Finally, he sees Hong Kong as the window of China that's open to the rest the world, both for its free trade and for the its important attraction of foreign investments.
From the opposite point of view, Catalonia also offers things to which the Chinese are attracted to, specially in terms of tourism, culture and sports. Gao Wei also states that the Catalan people are acknowledged by their entrepreneur and commercial spirit, as proven by the appointment of Barcelona as the capital of the Mobile World Congress, that has brought Chinese companies such as Huawei or Lenovo to open offices in Barcelona.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Sinalunya’s 2013 year in review
As most of media do, we also like to review what the last year has offered and what have been the most relevant materials of 2013, according to our readers and visitors. Here is the list:
#1 – Barcelona’s Chinatown grows and integrates into the Fort Pienc quarter
#2 - Desigual opens two new shops in Malaysia
#3 - Entrepreneur DNA: Catalan newspaper El Punt Avui interviews Dídac Lee
#4 - Catalan cava giant Codorniu expands to Singapore
#5 - Catalan rock band from Barcelona releases record in Chinese
#6 - FC Barcelona will play friendly games in Thailand and Malaysia in summer 2013
#7 - Sinalunya featured in some Catalan media
#8 - Chinese poetry reading in Girona
#9 - “Pure views: Transformations of Chinese Contemporary Art” exhibition in Barcelona
#10 - A visit to the Joan Miró exhibition in Taipei
The most read posts of 2013 by month are the following:
* January – Desigual opens two new shops in Malaysia
* February - Barcelona’s Chinatown grows and integrates into the Fort Pienc quarter
* March - Sinalunya featured in some Catalan media
* April - Chinese poetry reading in Girona
* May - Forum on the roadmap for investments between China and Spain organized in Barcelona
* June - Catalan rock band from Barcelona releases record in Chinese
* July - Barcelona chosen as site of the European laboratory of Chinese CCIC
* August - “Pure views: Transformations of Chinese Contemporary Art” exhibition in Barcelona
* September - Taiwanese delegation visits Girona to learn from its touristic promotion
* October - Barcelona appointed Guest of Honour at the 2014 Beijing Design Week
* November - Hong Kong communications company Cronos sets in Barcelona
* December - Guzheng concert in Vilafranca del Penedès by Zhang Ye
#1 – Barcelona’s Chinatown grows and integrates into the Fort Pienc quarter
#2 - Desigual opens two new shops in Malaysia
#3 - Entrepreneur DNA: Catalan newspaper El Punt Avui interviews Dídac Lee
#4 - Catalan cava giant Codorniu expands to Singapore
#5 - Catalan rock band from Barcelona releases record in Chinese
#6 - FC Barcelona will play friendly games in Thailand and Malaysia in summer 2013
#7 - Sinalunya featured in some Catalan media
#8 - Chinese poetry reading in Girona
#9 - “Pure views: Transformations of Chinese Contemporary Art” exhibition in Barcelona
#10 - A visit to the Joan Miró exhibition in Taipei
The most read posts of 2013 by month are the following:
* January – Desigual opens two new shops in Malaysia
* February - Barcelona’s Chinatown grows and integrates into the Fort Pienc quarter
* March - Sinalunya featured in some Catalan media
* April - Chinese poetry reading in Girona
* May - Forum on the roadmap for investments between China and Spain organized in Barcelona
* June - Catalan rock band from Barcelona releases record in Chinese
* July - Barcelona chosen as site of the European laboratory of Chinese CCIC
* August - “Pure views: Transformations of Chinese Contemporary Art” exhibition in Barcelona
* September - Taiwanese delegation visits Girona to learn from its touristic promotion
* October - Barcelona appointed Guest of Honour at the 2014 Beijing Design Week
* November - Hong Kong communications company Cronos sets in Barcelona
* December - Guzheng concert in Vilafranca del Penedès by Zhang Ye
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