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Between May 26th - 31st, 2013, ACC1Ó-Competitiveness for Catalonia is organizing a commercial mission to China for Catalan life sciences companies, in the framework of the bioXclusters European project that also includes companies from Baviera (Germany), Piemonte (Italy) and Rhône-Alpes (France). This mission will include visits to the Zhangjiang High-Tech Park (张江高科技园区) and the Juke Biotech Park (上海聚科生物产业园区), both located in Shanghai, and the China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park (中国—新加坡苏州工业园区), that will be key to know and understand first hand the Chinese health system. Other activities included in the program are the attendance to the Sino-European Biopartnering event (SEBP) and to the 15th Shanghai International Forum on Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Industry (BIO-FORUM 2013). For further information, download the delegation brochure for this specific mission and/or contact Ms. Carmen Martí by phone (+34 933 103 389) or by email.
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