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On the occasion of the presentation of the magazine VIA 20, on March 21st, 2013, the Centre d'Estudis Jordi Pujol (think tank run by the former Catalan president Jordi Pujol) has organized a round table to analyze "L'Àsia que ve", The coming Asia. The event will have three of the authors that have published articles in the central dossier of the magazine, which are Jaume Giné ("El segle asiàtic", The Asian Century), Amadeu Jensana ("Societat i valors al Japó", Society and Values in Japan) and David Murillo ("La identitat asiàtica", Asian Identity). Miquel Calsina, director of the Centre d'Estudis Jordi Pujol, will act as moderator. Anoher interesting article in the same issue is "Què pensa la nova Xina" (What does the new China think), by Mark Leonard.
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