Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Catalonia leads the decrease on unemployment in June

From http://www.expansion.com/2011/07/04/catalunya/1309766613.html (in Spanish)

Unemployment in Catalonia has decreased by 18,948 people in June 2011, which represents a reduction of 3.18% as compared with the previous month. June is the third consecutive month in which unemployment decreases and the total number of jobless people is now 576,394, according the official statistics recently released. Catalonia is the autonomous community in Spain with the greatest reduction, followed by Castile and León (9,122 less unemployed people) and Galicia (6,457 less unemployed people).

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Industrial production in Taiwan increases in May 2011

From http://www.moea.gov.tw/Mns/english/news/News.aspx?kind=6&menu_id=176&news_id=21915 (in English)

The Department of Statistics of the Republic of China (Taiwan) government has released information about the evolution of the industrial production in May 2011, which has had an increase of 7.82% year-on-year. The production of manufacturing industry increased by 7.72%, mining & quarrying decreased by 3.15%, electricity & gas supply decreased by 0.73%, water supply decreased by 1.48%, and the construction of buildings increased by an impressive 40.99%.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Recent business indicators in Taiwan

From http://www.cepd.gov.tw/encontent/m1.aspx?sNo=0015449 (April 2011) and http://www.cepd.gov.tw/encontent/m1.aspx?sNo=0015565 (May 2011) (both in English)

The Taiwanese Council for Economic Planning and Development has released the information on the economic indicators corresponding to April and May 2011, which can be found on the link above. These indicators kept on showing an steady growth on Taiwan economy.


ACC1Ó promotes Green Building mission in Singapore

From http://agenda.acc10.cat/agenda/default.php?id=6416 (in Catalan)

ACC1Ó-Competitiveness for Catalonia is organizing a Green Building mission in Singapore for Catalan companies due next September. Singapore is currently promoting architecture, design and construction of buildings which are energetically efficient, the so called Green Buildings. The goal of the government is that by 2030 at least 80% of the buildings in Singapore, both new and existing, could be certified as Green Building, a strategy that is aimed at leading this activity in the Asia-Pacific area. The specific goals of the mission are: i) to do networking with potential local partners in order to know the reality and the opportunities of the local market; ii) to hold meetings with relevant institutions, such as the Building & Construction Authority, the Singapore Green Building Council, the Singapore Institute of Architects and the Urban Redevelopment Authority, among others; and iii) to attend the BEX Asia trade fair (14-16 September 2011).

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Catalan exports grow by 16% until April

From http://www.expansion.com/2011/06/23/catalunya/1308855593.html (in Spanish)

Exports keep on growing and are currently leading Catalan economy. Between January and April foreign sales increased by 16.33% as compared with the same period in 2010 and reached 17,559 million euros. Data for overall Spain showed an increase by 22.19%. During this period, the most dynamic industrial sectors were chemical, equipment and automotive, which represented 59% of total sales and that they all had two-digit increases. Exports to the countries of European Union represented 67% of the total and those to Asia grew by 12%.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Video summary of Casa Asia Film Week in Barcelona

From http://www.casaasia.es/internet_y_tecnologia/multimedia?video_id=14660 (in Spanish)

Casa Asia has posted an 8-minute video that summarizes the highlights of the first edition of the Casa Asia Film Week that was held in Barcelona between June 6 and 12th, 2011. The video starts with the opening ceremony, is followed by the tribute to Ann Hui and the award ceremony to Buddha Mountain, directed by Li Yu, and ends up with the closing ceremony. Main languages in the video are Spanish and Catalan.


Catalan economy follows the growth trend in early 2011

From http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/detall.do?id=113967 (in Catalan)

According to an official release of the Catalan government, economy in Catalonia has grown 1.1% year-on-year during the first trimester of 2011. This modest growth has been led by exports, which have grown 1.7% year-on-year. However, if compared with the previous trimester, growth has been nil (0.0%), which may indicate a recent trend to stagnancy after some recovery signs in the previous trimesters. Economy in overall Spain has grown 0.8% year-on-year during the first trimester of 2011, whereas in the European Union growth has reached 2.5% in the same period.