Monday, November 24, 2014

Robotics' trends in China: an opportunity for Catalan professionals and companies?

From (in Catalan)

The Comission on Industrial Policy and Technological Innovation of the College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia  is organizing a technical session on December 3rd, 2014, aimed at ascertaining whether China and its trend in robotics can be an opportunity for Catalan professionals and companies.

China has become the main manufacturing company in the word taking advantatge of the competitiveness provided by its low labor costs. However, the recent years have seen steady efforts in automation and robotization of the productive processes, which has turned China into the main world market in the number of installed robots.

This session will explore the present situation of robotics in China, its incentives and the opportunities that it brings for the Catalan professionals and companies. The speakers have been chosen for their knowledge on the ground of this situation and they will explain it before having an opening discussion with the audience.

The speakers for this session are:
- Rosanna Terminio, Managing Partner, Asecorp China Business Consulting
- David Mayoral, Press Automation Systems, ABB Xina
- Representative of MEPSA (pending confirmation)

The moderator of the session will be Albert Ferrari, coordinator of the China Working Group of the College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia.

The event will take place at 6 pm of December 3rd, 2014, at the headquarters of the College of Industrial Engineers, Via Laietana, 39, 5th floor, in Barcelona.

Online registration for College members 

Online registration for non-members