From (in Catalan)
The Barcelona Chamber of Commerce is organizing a workshop on the e-Commerce as a new and essential distribution channel for those companies willing to sell their products in China, either B2B or B2C. The session will be held on the morning of June 27th, 2013, and is aimed at dealing with the legal, technological and logistic requirements that are needed to open an online shop in China.
8:45 am - Registration of attendants
9:00 am - Welcome and opening session, by Josep Mª Cervera, International Director, Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation
9:05 am - "Legal aspects of e-Commerce in China", by Jordi Martin, Business Development Manager of Klako Group
9:35 am - "Technological aspects of e-Commerce in China", by Màrius Rossell, Director General at Trilogi
10:05 am - "Logistics of e-Commerce in China", by Álvaro Escribano, Director at Logisfashion China
10:35 am - 11:30 am - Open discussion and coffee networking
The workshop will take place in the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation, 452 Diagonal Avenue, 08006 Barcelona. For further information (registration, etc.), please contact Judith Padrós at
Blog on the economic, social and cultural relationships on Chinese cultural countries and Catalunya
Monday, June 24, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Sinalunya interviews: GAS
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300"]
GAS - Chinese Works (image from GAS website)[/caption]
GAS is a Catalan band hailing from L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona province) that is drawing some attention in the local rock music scene because not only of the quality of their music, but also because a peculiar choice they made for their most recent album: to use Mandarin Chinese as the language of their songs. Their lyrics are also available in Chinese on their website, a proof of their confidence on the quality of their writing, and they have already performed successfully for the Chinese community of the Fort Pienc quarter in Barcelona. After our recent post about the release of their record, we wanted to dig a little bit more into the reasons that motivated them to make such a bold move and we interviewed band member Salvador Mas.
Q: Where did you get the idea to make a record in Mandarin Chinese and how did you decide to actually make it?
R: It was by chance, on September 2012, during the rehearsal of our new demo. We asked our singer Jordi Riba how did it his Chinese exam go and then a friend of us that came to listen to our rehearsal asked him to sing one of the new songs in Chinese. He did that and we all liked it very, very much.
Q: To make a record in Chinese implies a deep knowledge of the language. Who are the members in the band that have it and how did you get it?
R: The only member that can speak Chinese is Jordi Riba, the rest of us we'd love to, but honestly we just know some few basic words. He is also a professional English translator and has been studying Chinese for five years. He is now in his last course at the Official Language School in Barcelona.
Q: Which artists do you know that are singing in Chinese and what are your favorites?
R: We listen to a lot of C-Pop music (中文流行音乐), specially from Taiwan and Hong Kong thanks to Youtube, but we don't try to follow anyone's style because our intention is to play local pop music but with lyrics in Mandarin Chinese. We think that this mixture is the key of our project and, according to the comments we have received by email and on our Youtube channel (, we think that generally our fans and followers are pleased with our choice of blending western pop with the beautiful sounds of Mandarin Chinese.
Q: Is this an isolated project or will it keep on evolving in the future?
R: Not at all, this will not be an isolated project. The experience is being so positive at both personal and creative levels that from now on we plan to use Mandarin Chinese in all of our new compositions.
Q: Are you going to tour to promote this record? Are you planning to perform in the Chinese speaking areas?
R: For the moment the new record is just an EP, but we have the more ambitious project of making a whole album. We have published this EP just to test what was the people's reaction and so far it has been so good that we can't do anything else but go on with it. We are currently having conversations with some Spanish record labels to see which could be the most adequate way to distribute our work in Asian markets. We also plan to make a CD in order to promote our music in a more traditional way. Until now, though, the songs can be bought through our platform We would love to have the chance to contact Chinese music companies in order to speed up this process, but we still don't know who they are and how to get to them. We would also love to be able to play in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and in the many Chinese communities all over the world.
Q: And finally, what is the reaction of your audiences when they notice you sing in Chinese?
Until now we have only made one concert for the Chinese community in Barcelona during the celebration of the Chinese New Year in February 2013. The audience, a mixture of Chinese and Catalan people, had a moving reaction and they encouraged us to go on with our project.
GAS is a Catalan band hailing from L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona province) that is drawing some attention in the local rock music scene because not only of the quality of their music, but also because a peculiar choice they made for their most recent album: to use Mandarin Chinese as the language of their songs. Their lyrics are also available in Chinese on their website, a proof of their confidence on the quality of their writing, and they have already performed successfully for the Chinese community of the Fort Pienc quarter in Barcelona. After our recent post about the release of their record, we wanted to dig a little bit more into the reasons that motivated them to make such a bold move and we interviewed band member Salvador Mas.
Q: Where did you get the idea to make a record in Mandarin Chinese and how did you decide to actually make it?
R: It was by chance, on September 2012, during the rehearsal of our new demo. We asked our singer Jordi Riba how did it his Chinese exam go and then a friend of us that came to listen to our rehearsal asked him to sing one of the new songs in Chinese. He did that and we all liked it very, very much.
Q: To make a record in Chinese implies a deep knowledge of the language. Who are the members in the band that have it and how did you get it?
R: The only member that can speak Chinese is Jordi Riba, the rest of us we'd love to, but honestly we just know some few basic words. He is also a professional English translator and has been studying Chinese for five years. He is now in his last course at the Official Language School in Barcelona.
Q: Which artists do you know that are singing in Chinese and what are your favorites?
R: We listen to a lot of C-Pop music (中文流行音乐), specially from Taiwan and Hong Kong thanks to Youtube, but we don't try to follow anyone's style because our intention is to play local pop music but with lyrics in Mandarin Chinese. We think that this mixture is the key of our project and, according to the comments we have received by email and on our Youtube channel (, we think that generally our fans and followers are pleased with our choice of blending western pop with the beautiful sounds of Mandarin Chinese.
Q: Is this an isolated project or will it keep on evolving in the future?
R: Not at all, this will not be an isolated project. The experience is being so positive at both personal and creative levels that from now on we plan to use Mandarin Chinese in all of our new compositions.
Q: Are you going to tour to promote this record? Are you planning to perform in the Chinese speaking areas?
R: For the moment the new record is just an EP, but we have the more ambitious project of making a whole album. We have published this EP just to test what was the people's reaction and so far it has been so good that we can't do anything else but go on with it. We are currently having conversations with some Spanish record labels to see which could be the most adequate way to distribute our work in Asian markets. We also plan to make a CD in order to promote our music in a more traditional way. Until now, though, the songs can be bought through our platform We would love to have the chance to contact Chinese music companies in order to speed up this process, but we still don't know who they are and how to get to them. We would also love to be able to play in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and in the many Chinese communities all over the world.
Q: And finally, what is the reaction of your audiences when they notice you sing in Chinese?
Until now we have only made one concert for the Chinese community in Barcelona during the celebration of the Chinese New Year in February 2013. The audience, a mixture of Chinese and Catalan people, had a moving reaction and they encouraged us to go on with our project.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Projecte de promoció de les empreses catalanes a Xina
Josep Ramon Obis, empresari català afincat a Xina i expert en moda, lidera un projecte per ajudar a la introducció de marques catalanes de qualitat en el mercat xinès, vinculant-les a l'atractiu i la força de la ciutat de Barcelona. La ciutat de Barcelona és la principal marca comercial de què disposa Catalunya en aquests moments i cal rendibilitzar aquesta oportunitat fent que esdevingui un factor generador de negoci i d'ingressos per als seus habitants.
La via d'introducció de les empreses catalanes seria Taobao (淘宝网), un portal comercial a internet que és una de les pàgines web més emprades pels xinesos i que aporta una gran rendibilitat i visibilitat a les empreses que hi tenen botiga online. La vinculació de les diferents empreses catalanes amb la marca Barcelona -entesa en un sentit ampli i que, de fet, podria abraçar tota Catalunya- permetria un reforçament mutu que seria molt més beneficiós i productiu que no pas la promoció individual de cadascuna d'elles, desconnectades del seu marc geogràfic de referència.
Alhora, l'èxit comercial de marques catalanes de qualitat a la Xina milloraria el coneixement que el públic xinès té del nostre país i de la nostra realitat, i facilitaria un apropament cultural sobre el qual recolzar noves activitats de tota mena. Aquest enfoc s'inspira en el sistema xinès de combinar l'acció comercial amb la cultural, que permet el desenvolupament de la primera en sintonia amb les formes i els valors propis de la segona. Per Josep Ramon Obis, en un projecte d'aquesta mena cal cuidar els aspectes culturals i de relació personal tant o més que els comercials, atesa la idiosincràcia de la societat xinesa i el valor que per ells tenen la paraula donada i els acords assolits. La utilització del nom de Barcelona, a més, hauria de servir per allunyar qualsevol temptació de pràctiques deshonestes, no sols pel que representaria en cas de produir-se, sinó per l'efecte catastròfic que podria tenir sobre les relacions comercials i culturals futures.
Atenent al detallat coneixement del món de la Moda i de la comercialització d'aquesta mena de productes a Xina per part de Josep Ramon Obis, aquest sector productiu és el candidat per iniciar la posada en marxa d'aquest pla, degut al seu fort component d’imatge. Altres sectors que podrien seguir-lo són el de l'alimentació, especialment dels productes que es poden catalogar com a "gourmet", el turisme i les arts en tota la seva amplitud. En aquest darrer aspecte, artistes catalans i universals com Salvador Dalí, Joan Miró i Antoni Gaudí, entre altres, poden aportar nous i potents marcs de referència en els que ubicar-hi la promoció de les empreses catalanes actuals.
L'explicació detallada del projecte pot ser consultada en aquest document. Per més informació, les dades de contacte de Josep Ramon Obis són:
Telèfons: +86 13805766034; +34 629772202; +34 697490573
Skype: Josep.Ramon.Obis.Carrera
La via d'introducció de les empreses catalanes seria Taobao (淘宝网), un portal comercial a internet que és una de les pàgines web més emprades pels xinesos i que aporta una gran rendibilitat i visibilitat a les empreses que hi tenen botiga online. La vinculació de les diferents empreses catalanes amb la marca Barcelona -entesa en un sentit ampli i que, de fet, podria abraçar tota Catalunya- permetria un reforçament mutu que seria molt més beneficiós i productiu que no pas la promoció individual de cadascuna d'elles, desconnectades del seu marc geogràfic de referència.
Alhora, l'èxit comercial de marques catalanes de qualitat a la Xina milloraria el coneixement que el públic xinès té del nostre país i de la nostra realitat, i facilitaria un apropament cultural sobre el qual recolzar noves activitats de tota mena. Aquest enfoc s'inspira en el sistema xinès de combinar l'acció comercial amb la cultural, que permet el desenvolupament de la primera en sintonia amb les formes i els valors propis de la segona. Per Josep Ramon Obis, en un projecte d'aquesta mena cal cuidar els aspectes culturals i de relació personal tant o més que els comercials, atesa la idiosincràcia de la societat xinesa i el valor que per ells tenen la paraula donada i els acords assolits. La utilització del nom de Barcelona, a més, hauria de servir per allunyar qualsevol temptació de pràctiques deshonestes, no sols pel que representaria en cas de produir-se, sinó per l'efecte catastròfic que podria tenir sobre les relacions comercials i culturals futures.
Atenent al detallat coneixement del món de la Moda i de la comercialització d'aquesta mena de productes a Xina per part de Josep Ramon Obis, aquest sector productiu és el candidat per iniciar la posada en marxa d'aquest pla, degut al seu fort component d’imatge. Altres sectors que podrien seguir-lo són el de l'alimentació, especialment dels productes que es poden catalogar com a "gourmet", el turisme i les arts en tota la seva amplitud. En aquest darrer aspecte, artistes catalans i universals com Salvador Dalí, Joan Miró i Antoni Gaudí, entre altres, poden aportar nous i potents marcs de referència en els que ubicar-hi la promoció de les empreses catalanes actuals.
L'explicació detallada del projecte pot ser consultada en aquest document. Per més informació, les dades de contacte de Josep Ramon Obis són:
Telèfons: +86 13805766034; +34 629772202; +34 697490573
Skype: Josep.Ramon.Obis.Carrera
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Catalan rock band from Barcelona releases record in Chinese
From (in Catalan)
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="288"]
GAS rock band (image from GAS website)[/caption]
GAS, a rock band based in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona province), has just released their first EP, "Chinese Works" that includes seven original songs sung in Mandarin Chinese. The band members are Salvador Mas (guitar and vocals), Pepe Zamora (bass), Jordi Riba (guitar and lead vocals), Israel Vela (keyboards) and Jaime López (drums) and their unique project started when Jordi Riba, a Chinese teacher, translated one of his songs into Mandarin and the rest of the band were amazed with the result. This made them consider the possibility of recording more songs in Chinese and the result is the release of this surprising album, Chinese Works. Their first performance for a Chinese audience happened in Barcelona on February 2013, during the celebrations of the Chinese New Year, and they were the only non-Chinese artists to perform. The song that the band is currently promoting is "Everlasting freshman" (永远的初学者).
To discover GAS's music, you can listen to the album on and watch their videos in their own Youtube and on Youku GAS channels. The video on Youku includes lyrics in Chinese and English.
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="288"]
GAS, a rock band based in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona province), has just released their first EP, "Chinese Works" that includes seven original songs sung in Mandarin Chinese. The band members are Salvador Mas (guitar and vocals), Pepe Zamora (bass), Jordi Riba (guitar and lead vocals), Israel Vela (keyboards) and Jaime López (drums) and their unique project started when Jordi Riba, a Chinese teacher, translated one of his songs into Mandarin and the rest of the band were amazed with the result. This made them consider the possibility of recording more songs in Chinese and the result is the release of this surprising album, Chinese Works. Their first performance for a Chinese audience happened in Barcelona on February 2013, during the celebrations of the Chinese New Year, and they were the only non-Chinese artists to perform. The song that the band is currently promoting is "Everlasting freshman" (永远的初学者).
To discover GAS's music, you can listen to the album on and watch their videos in their own Youtube and on Youku GAS channels. The video on Youku includes lyrics in Chinese and English.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
FC Barcelona will play friendly games in Thailand and Malaysia in summer 2013
From (in English)
FC Barcelona has announced that the professional team will play two friendly games in East Asia during summer 2013. These games will take place in Bangkok (Thailand) and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) on August 7th and 10th, 2013. In Thailand, Barça will play against Thai's national team, being its second game in the country after the first one in 2002. In Malaysia, Barça will play against a Malaysian XI in the Bukit Jalil national stadium of Kuala Lumpur, which can hold up to 100,000 attendants.
The tickets for the game in Thailand can be bought at Thaiticketmajor, whereas those for the training session and the game in Kuala Lumpur can be bought at Ilasso Tickets.
[caption id="attachment_2394" align="aligncenter" width="219"]
Screen capture of the promotion for the FC Barcelona Asian Tour game in Thailand 2013
[caption id="attachment_2395" align="aligncenter" width="508"]
Screen capture of the promotion for the FC Barcelona Asian Tour game in Malaysia 2013[/caption]
FC Barcelona has announced that the professional team will play two friendly games in East Asia during summer 2013. These games will take place in Bangkok (Thailand) and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) on August 7th and 10th, 2013. In Thailand, Barça will play against Thai's national team, being its second game in the country after the first one in 2002. In Malaysia, Barça will play against a Malaysian XI in the Bukit Jalil national stadium of Kuala Lumpur, which can hold up to 100,000 attendants.
The tickets for the game in Thailand can be bought at Thaiticketmajor, whereas those for the training session and the game in Kuala Lumpur can be bought at Ilasso Tickets.
[caption id="attachment_2394" align="aligncenter" width="219"]
[caption id="attachment_2395" align="aligncenter" width="508"]
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Barcelona's Asia Choir celebrates its 10th concert at a Stage Arts Fair
From (in English)
[caption id="attachment_2390" align="alignleft" width="300"]
Barcelona's Fort Pienc Quarter[/caption]
Barcelona's Asia Choir (Coral Àsia), a joint project of Casa Àsia and the Direction of Immigration and Interculturality of Barcelona City Council, presents its 10th concert organised by Eix Fort Pienc and Barcelona City Council within the framework of the 1st Fair of Stage Arts of Fort Pienc in Barcelona. to be held on 9th June 2013 at 6:30 pm. Fort Pienc is a quarter in the city of Barcelona where there is a growing Chinese population.
Coral Àsia is made up of around 50 people from 24 different nationalities (out of which 60% are Asian origin) and its repertoire includes songs in Chinese, Japanese, Tagalog, Hindi, Farsi, Korean, Bengali, Urdu, Catalan, Spanish and English, under the direction of Carles-Josep Comalada, also Singing Director of the Municipal Conservatory of Barcelona. Its purpose is to promote the intercultural exchange among young people from different origins through singing and music, as well as reflecting the cultural diversity of the city.
For the whole list of activities of the 1st Fair of Stage Arts of Fort Pienc, check the pdf document of the following link:
[caption id="attachment_2390" align="alignleft" width="300"]
Barcelona's Asia Choir (Coral Àsia), a joint project of Casa Àsia and the Direction of Immigration and Interculturality of Barcelona City Council, presents its 10th concert organised by Eix Fort Pienc and Barcelona City Council within the framework of the 1st Fair of Stage Arts of Fort Pienc in Barcelona. to be held on 9th June 2013 at 6:30 pm. Fort Pienc is a quarter in the city of Barcelona where there is a growing Chinese population.
Coral Àsia is made up of around 50 people from 24 different nationalities (out of which 60% are Asian origin) and its repertoire includes songs in Chinese, Japanese, Tagalog, Hindi, Farsi, Korean, Bengali, Urdu, Catalan, Spanish and English, under the direction of Carles-Josep Comalada, also Singing Director of the Municipal Conservatory of Barcelona. Its purpose is to promote the intercultural exchange among young people from different origins through singing and music, as well as reflecting the cultural diversity of the city.
For the whole list of activities of the 1st Fair of Stage Arts of Fort Pienc, check the pdf document of the following link:
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Joan Miró's paintings travel to Taiwan
From (in Catalan)
Fundació Joan Miró is sending 80 works by the Catalan artist from their collection to a moving exhibition entitled "Joan Miró. Dones, ocells, estrelles" (Joan Miró. Women, birds, stars") that will travel around Taiwan in summer 2013. The exhibition will start on June 7th in Taipei (台北) and later it will travel to Kaohsiung (高雄) and Taichung (台中). "Joan Miró. Dones, ocells, estrelles" is an exhibition that gathers paintings, sculptures, drawings and litographies of the artist, plus a group photographies that reflect the creative intensity of Joan Miró.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="446"]
The Farm, by Joan Miró (1921-22). Image from Wikipedia.[/caption]
Fundació Joan Miró is sending 80 works by the Catalan artist from their collection to a moving exhibition entitled "Joan Miró. Dones, ocells, estrelles" (Joan Miró. Women, birds, stars") that will travel around Taiwan in summer 2013. The exhibition will start on June 7th in Taipei (台北) and later it will travel to Kaohsiung (高雄) and Taichung (台中). "Joan Miró. Dones, ocells, estrelles" is an exhibition that gathers paintings, sculptures, drawings and litographies of the artist, plus a group photographies that reflect the creative intensity of Joan Miró.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="446"]
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Laketània Tours ready to bring Chinese tourists to Catalonia
From (in Catalan)
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="144"]
Laketània Tours' Chinese Tourist Welcoming Quality Host certification (image from Laketània Tours website)[/caption]
Girona-based travel agency Laketània Tours has recently been awarded with the certification "Chinese Tourist Welcoming Quality Host" (欢迎中国游客优质服务商), a label that guarantees that its staff has the adequate knowledge to deal with Chinese tourists, taking into account their preferences and cultural expectations as well as adapting their products to fit their specific requirements. Laketània Tours is the first Catalan travel agency and the second one in Europe to obtain this certification.
赫罗纳的Laketània Tours已经获得“欢迎中国游客优质服务商”的认证。这项认证代表其工作人员具备足够的知识来接待中国游客,且重视他们的喜好和文化取向,并有能力提供合适的旅行规划以符合他们的特殊需求。Laketània Tours是第一个在加泰隆尼亚地区,同时也是第二个在欧洲地区通过这项认证的旅行社。
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="144"]
Girona-based travel agency Laketània Tours has recently been awarded with the certification "Chinese Tourist Welcoming Quality Host" (欢迎中国游客优质服务商), a label that guarantees that its staff has the adequate knowledge to deal with Chinese tourists, taking into account their preferences and cultural expectations as well as adapting their products to fit their specific requirements. Laketània Tours is the first Catalan travel agency and the second one in Europe to obtain this certification.
赫罗纳的Laketània Tours已经获得“欢迎中国游客优质服务商”的认证。这项认证代表其工作人员具备足够的知识来接待中国游客,且重视他们的喜好和文化取向,并有能力提供合适的旅行规划以符合他们的特殊需求。Laketània Tours是第一个在加泰隆尼亚地区,同时也是第二个在欧洲地区通过这项认证的旅行社。
Chinese Tourist Welcoming Quality Host,
Laketània Tours,
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Costa Brava Girona Tourism Board goes to China to look for luxury tourists
From (in Catalan)
Members of the Costa Brava Girona Tourism Board are travelling for the first time to Shanghai, China to attend the International Luxury Travel Market Asia, a fair that will take place between June 3rd and 6th, 2013. The goal is to promote the most touristic areas in the Costa Brava and the Pyrenees, as well as the PGA Golf Catalunya. The visiting delegation will be led by the Board's Chair, Joan Giraut, and by Taiwanese-Catalan entrepreneur Dídac Lee, who is also Director of the Technology Area (New Technologies) of the FC Barcelona, and that was interviewed by Sinalunya on June 2011. Both the Costa Brava Girona Tourism Board and the PGA Golf Catalunya have edited specific materials in Chinese to be displayed during this fair.
These are some pictures of some of the beautiful and interesting spots of the area:
[caption id="attachment_2366" align="aligncenter" width="384"]
Monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes, El Port de la Selva[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_2365" align="aligncenter" width="288"]
Núria valley, Pyrenees[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_2364" align="aligncenter" width="288"]
Banyoles Lake[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_2363" align="aligncenter" width="384"]
Dalí Museum, Figueres[/caption]
Members of the Costa Brava Girona Tourism Board are travelling for the first time to Shanghai, China to attend the International Luxury Travel Market Asia, a fair that will take place between June 3rd and 6th, 2013. The goal is to promote the most touristic areas in the Costa Brava and the Pyrenees, as well as the PGA Golf Catalunya. The visiting delegation will be led by the Board's Chair, Joan Giraut, and by Taiwanese-Catalan entrepreneur Dídac Lee, who is also Director of the Technology Area (New Technologies) of the FC Barcelona, and that was interviewed by Sinalunya on June 2011. Both the Costa Brava Girona Tourism Board and the PGA Golf Catalunya have edited specific materials in Chinese to be displayed during this fair.
These are some pictures of some of the beautiful and interesting spots of the area:
[caption id="attachment_2366" align="aligncenter" width="384"]
[caption id="attachment_2365" align="aligncenter" width="288"]
[caption id="attachment_2364" align="aligncenter" width="288"]
[caption id="attachment_2363" align="aligncenter" width="384"]
Course on China's Global Trends in Barcelona
From (in Catalan)
Between July 1st - 12th, 2013, the Barcelona-based Universitat Pompeu Fabra is organizing a summer course entitled "China Global Trends: Ten questions and ten answers about the coming China", with the professors Manel Ollé, Guillermo Martínez Taberner, Dani Madrid i Morales and Mireia Paulo.
The subjects of the program will be:
#Thinking: What do present day Chinese intellectuals think about today's China?
#History: Will there be a confrontation between China and Japan because of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands?
#Politics: To reform or not reform, is this the question for the new Chinese leaders?
#Economy: What is the level of internationalization achieved by Chinese companies?
#Innovation: Is it possible to transform the world's factory into a laboratory of ideas?
#Communication: Will internet bring democracy to China?
#Environment: What is the strategy of the Chinese Communist Party in the environmental field?
#Society: What is the future of the "little emperors" in an aging China?
#Urbanism: Is green urban development the alternative to the Chinese urban development?
#Cinema: Which are the stories told by contemporary Chinese cinema directors?
Between July 1st - 12th, 2013, the Barcelona-based Universitat Pompeu Fabra is organizing a summer course entitled "China Global Trends: Ten questions and ten answers about the coming China", with the professors Manel Ollé, Guillermo Martínez Taberner, Dani Madrid i Morales and Mireia Paulo.
The subjects of the program will be:
#Thinking: What do present day Chinese intellectuals think about today's China?
#History: Will there be a confrontation between China and Japan because of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands?
#Politics: To reform or not reform, is this the question for the new Chinese leaders?
#Economy: What is the level of internationalization achieved by Chinese companies?
#Innovation: Is it possible to transform the world's factory into a laboratory of ideas?
#Communication: Will internet bring democracy to China?
#Environment: What is the strategy of the Chinese Communist Party in the environmental field?
#Society: What is the future of the "little emperors" in an aging China?
#Urbanism: Is green urban development the alternative to the Chinese urban development?
#Cinema: Which are the stories told by contemporary Chinese cinema directors?
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